So little time

I find myself with more things that I want to do with the same amount of time given to do them.

Which has never been enough time.

Gaming stuff, writing/artsy stuff, social stuff, family stuff, and other stuff.

It’ll all work itself out.

I think.

Sketchy Redux

Tonight I picked up a cheap sketchbook from Michael’s.

I’m not sure what I’m going to do with this, I used to draw in my pre high school days, buy lost interest after taking art class in freshman year.

First doodle/sketch:

Should I be using something other than a mechanical pencil?

If anything I’ll be making my own coloring book!

I was never good at drawing humans.  Or animals.  Maybe I’ll work on that.

Critiques are welcome.

Be aware that I already know that I suck, so there’s that.