ISP-X1: Mission: Cat

Sleeping Cat!
Looks like a job for the ISP-X1!
Roll complete, mission commencing.
Entering shadow zone…
Approaching objective.
Objective sited!
Initiating landing cycle!
Endeavour has landed.
Preparing to investigate.
Leaving spacecraft.
Objective reached.
Negative reading, cat is not sleeping.
Returning to vehicle.
Preparing for liftoff.
Departing landing zone.
Initiating roll.
On our way home.
Approaching home base.
Visual on home base.
Endeavor is home.


Delivered today

Your package was delivered. 

“The Eagle has landed.”

The rocket will be named Eagle, in honor of the Apollo 11 LEM, the main vehicles in Space: 1999, and Howard Der’s command in our FASA Star Trek RPG campaign.

And yes, I did consider naming it “Porg”.

It Begins

To: C. Saguisag

From: ISP Command

Subject: Requisition request approved


Your request to requisition a new explorer-class rocket has been approved by Central Command.

ISP-X2 should arrive soon, along with your newly assigned personal, who will be the crew of the rocket.

  • Commander Calvin Cruz
  • Cadet Wes Watanabe

Good luck and godspeed to you and your new ship and crew.

Secretary, Central Command