I’ve had this game sitting on my hard drive since last September, and this week I finally started reading the rules.
It’s pretty much what I’ve been looking for in a solo skirmish-type game.
Today I created my first crew.
Crew of the Vulture, a worn out, run down freighter:
Ban Rolo, working class guy from a space station seeking fame.
Jake Banner, special agent from parts unknown (a drifter) seeking order.
The Pepsiman, technician from a primitive world seeking adventure.
Mal Castle, troubleshooter from a space station seeking wealth.
Nick O’Donnell, soldier from a military outpost seeking survival.
Harry Brisbane, technician from a wealthy merchant family seeking revenge.
They met through a common enemy (TBD) and are best categorized as somewhat honorable bandits.
Now I need to set up their first campaign turn.
Stand by!