Star Trek: Excalibur, S01E02

Ship’s Log, August 3rd, 2154.

The Excalibur has returned us back to our original position prior to our little trip through the spatial rift.  We have resumed course to explore the unknown space before us, and have run smack dab into an Andorian blockade.

The Andorians have not acknowledged our hails and appear to have their weapons trained on the Excalibur.

Hey, this is what was rolled up a couple of days ago.  Though I added the details of them being Andorians and they aren’t answering hails and they appear to be ready to fire weapons on an Earth ship.

Don’t touch that dial!

2024 Goals

While I didn’t get around to Star Fleet Battles by the end of 2023, it’s on the list for 2024.

I hope to play a tabletop game a week.

That is all.

Stand by!

Going Forward

While the focus of this blog will be solo role playing games, anything else I deem different from Tabletop Wargaming will end up here as well.

This may include general role playing with a group, any 3D printing involving RPGs, or anything else that doesn’t fit the traditional ‘tabletop wargaming’ definition.

Don’t touch that Dial!*

* yeah, this tagline may change as well.


The systems that I initially plan to play with some soloing RPG tools are:

  • Star Trek Adventures Captain’s Log for sci-fi.
  • Covert Ops for modern day, though that may shift to the 80s.
  • Dragonbane for fantasy, because I can play an anthropomorphic duck (mallard).

Don’t touch that Dial!

New Game Table


This was 3D printed and can be expanded if the need arises.

It’s currently 24″ x 32″, which is big enough for most of the games I currently play, sports and otherwise.

And in a IDGAF thought, any and all tabletop skirmish games will be played on this surface, regardless of the suggested playing area.  Because 36″ x 36″ is a bit big, for me.

Stand by!


Two things:

  1. I’ve come to realize that I enjoy painting miniatures almost more than I enjoy playing table top miniatures games.
  2. I think I found a possible use for the 3D spaceship aka the Infineon Beetle.

That said, let’s see if I fall down the rabbit hole with this one.


Current List

Things I’m actively playing (at least one game in the past month):

  • Five Parsecs From Home
  • Pacific Rim Extinction

Things on my list of ‘playing soon’:

  • Blood Bowl
  • Battletech
  • Gloomhaven
  • Marvel United
  • Rocket Age
  • various sports games

Things on my list of ‘not soon’:

  • Xia
  • Fortune and Glory
  • Necromunda
  • Ironsworn
  • various DVG games
  • Commands and Colors Ancients
  • Memoir ’44
  • The Fantasy Trip