
I just spent my morning working on something that may never see the light of day.


I created a ‘Mech lance for Battletech.

Gavin’s Grenadiers, a mercenary unit consisting of the above silhouetted mechs.

I also created the Mechwarriors for them:

The names came from an online random name generator.

This is how my brain works sometimes.

I see little plastic or metal game pieces for a game that I haven’t played in years (hell, decades) and I’ll come up with more backstory than necessary for them.

If I had the energy to do so, I’d come up with fiction about them, but I’m not that well versed in Battletech fluff/background.

The Hand of God

Another scenario/test, this time playing with pilot cards/tokens and Talents/Flaws.  I also added terrain (asteroids and a planetoid).

Vipers triumphant

And for the third game in a row, the Cylons simply got bad draws from the damage countersBoth Colonials sustained minor damage while they shredded the toasters…

“Grab your gun…”

I tried the first scenario listed in the scenario book, which is based on the Battle of Ragnar Anchorage during the original 2003 miniseries.

Of course, you only get to play with 4 ships.

I set up the ships on opposite ends (more or less) of a 36″ x 28″ play area.

While the Cylons attempted to close the distance to the Vipers, the Colonials turned toward each other, rotated to face the Toasters, and fired at Raider E after they crossed past each other.  Result: scratch one Toaster.

The other Raider (F) managed to close the range and fire, damaging a Viper (D).

The Vipers continued to drift apart…

As Cylon F tried to get into close range for another shot at Viper C…

… the Vipers managed to get into more favorable positions.

Two turns later, it was over.  Viper ‘D’ got in the last kill shot.

The game lasted about 7 turns out of a limit of 15.  I’m sure the outcome would be different if I played an actual opponent, instead of playing both sides.

If anything, running this scenario cleared up a lot of the movement rules for me, especially the Kinetic Energy/Acceleration rules.

Set Condition One

So Say We All!

Earlier this week I received a copy of the Battlestar Galactica Starship Battles game.

I’ve been a fan of the original series since it’s premiere.

The reimaged series took a while for me to warm up to, because the storyline seemed so bleak from the start, but once I started watching regularly, I really got into it.

I’m one of the few people who I know who liked the finale.

Anyways, about the game.

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Corsair Leader: Battle of the Coral Sea, 1942

USS Yorktown CV-5

I decided to try a more difficult campaign in Corsair Leader, so I picked the Battle of the Coral Sea (short campaign, 2 days), which allowed me to use my personal pilot card.

I actually used the ‘skilled’ version of this card, making him the squadron leader.

After assigning skills (gave Gung Ho to 4 pilots who had none, and Attack Run to the Devastator and Dauntless pilots), I drew two targets:

I sent 6 planes after the carrier (Shōkaku, which was damaged in the actual battle), 3 Wildcats (VF-42), 2 Devastators (VT-2), and 1 Dauntless (VB-2).  I armed the Devastators and Dauntless with 500lb bombs, when i should have (historically) armed the torpedo bombers (Devastators) with (duh) torpedoes.

They made short work of the carrier and sunk her.  The campaign awarded an additional 2 Victory Points for sinking the carrier.

Meanwhile, Saguisag escorted a single Dauntless on a bombing run against the small freighter, which had an additional VP attached to it.  Again, they sank the target, with no losses.

The combined Victory Point total for the day was 10 VPs, which gave me a great result, and I decided to give the squadron the 2nd day off.