Upcoming and Incoming

I seriously think I have too many options for gaming, resulting in executive indecision.

I’m reading up on that and may ask my doctor about it during my next annual visit.

In the meantime, I hope to finally get around to playing something more consistently in the next few weeks.

I’ve neglected all of the solo RPGs as I’ve been hopping around reading up different systems, when I should just focus on continuing the adventures of the Excalibur.

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Meanwhile, I’ve been preparing for a couple of games that should be arriving in the next month or so, both from Firelock Games.

Oak and Iron is a tabletop naval game in the age of sail.  They have a second edition coming out soon, so I decided to pick this one up since I finally watched Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World.  Ships are in 1:600 scale, and I found a few on MyMiniFactory that I’d like to have included in my games, including the HMS Surprise from the aforementioned M&C movie, and the USS Enterprise , from the late 18th century.

The core set comes with 6 smaller ships, but I did pick up a couple of expansions which contain much larger ships, including 1st/2nd/3rd rate Ships of the Line.

There was a Kickstarter for this last summer, which I backed.

This is basically a smaller scale skirmish version of Blood and Plunder from Firelock, based in the Jamaican city of Port Royal after the earthquake in 1692.

The miniature count for squads average about 6 models, and while I already have models for English, Spanish, Native Americans, and pirates, the core set contains15 models that will represent the French, and I included an add-on of the new Native American set with multi-pose plastic models that I will build as a Maroon (escaped African slaves) faction.

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And of course, I have my sports games to play, but that’s another story.

Stand by!

New Game Table


This was 3D printed and can be expanded if the need arises.

It’s currently 24″ x 32″, which is big enough for most of the games I currently play, sports and otherwise.

And in a IDGAF thought, any and all tabletop skirmish games will be played on this surface, regardless of the suggested playing area.  Because 36″ x 36″ is a bit big, for me.

Stand by!

Been a while, hasn’t it?

So, what’s been going on since last year?

I managed to start that Legendary Kingdoms solo game, but haven’t gotten very far.  I hope to continue playing fairly soon.

My crew for Five Parsecs from Home got a little boring, so I’m going to restart the game with a new campaign and a new crew.

I’ve sold off practically all of my Warhammer 40K armies (Guard, Ork, Necron, Marines) to an online store, I have maybe a handful of figures for Kill Team, or…

I’m looking into a newer, miniatures-agnostic system called Fistful of Lead, specifically the Galactic Heroes version, from Wiley Games.  This new system will allow me to use whatever miniatures I have laying around and finally have those battles we’ve always wanted to see, like Federation crew vs. Mandalorians.

Okay, maybe battles that *I’ve* wanted to see.

Speaking of miniatures, I’ve been printing them out on my resin printer and have way more than I need for any system.

I’ve also shelved a few games (Car Wars, Battletech, Blood & Plunder, etc) while I try to focus on what I actually want to play between these types and my sports games…

I’ll have it all figured out by the time we reach the Frontier.

*klaxon alert*

What’s that?

The Frontier.

Stand by!

World War Tesla

Found an interesting game a couple of weeks back, an alternate history wargame with 3D printable playing pieces.

World War Tesla™ is an alternate-history wargame by James M. Ward (author of TSR’s Gamma World, Deities & Demigods, and Metamorphosis Alpha) and Thomas A. Tullis, where Nikola Tesla’s more radical ideas such as death rays and force fields have come to fruition, changing the face of a world at war. Giant walking tanks, soldiers with rocket-packs, and flying machines armed with death rays rule the battlefield!

I decided to print a couple of both army’s units:

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What Ships are For

Remember that 3D-printed spaceship that I had started making last year?

I got a new printer late in 2021, and decided to start printing it from the beginning, and the results have been more than satisfactory for me.

The main issue that I had with what I had done last year was the overuse of support material, rendering the printed pieces almost unusable without a lot of work.

I also followed the directions more closely this time, configuring the printer to the optimum settings per the ship creator, and realizing that MINIMUM supports were necessary for printing.

The results as of this morning:

I should have everything finished this coming weekend.

And as of now, I’m still not sure what I’m going to be using it for, primarily.  It can be my crew’s ship in Five Parsecs from Home, but most if not all the game play for that takes place planetside.

In any case, it will be a nice touch of nostalgia around the house, much like it was when I was 12 or so.

Black Ops – SAS

I ordered a couple of sets of 28mm SAS fire teams for Osprey Games’ Black Ops tabletop game.

SAS with silenced weapons

SAS with bergens

They didn’t come with bases, so I went online to look for some, when I realized that I could just use my 3D printer.

I had some base files from last year, but decided to look online and found a file that had 12 – 25mm x 2mm bases, so I downloaded the file and printed the bases.

Here they are with the few British troops that I had from long ago.

So they’re a little shorter than the older minis.

Even with a couple more bases stacked under, they’re shorter.  Ah well.  Won’t matter that much on the battlefield I guess.

Here they are with some Taliban minis from long ago.