Status Report

The remaining Battletech Clan Invasion stuff came in, along with Car Wars 6th Edition and High Noon, an Old West skirmish game.

So, lots to keep me busy.

The second shipment of Battletech stuff came with a challenge coin for Wolf’s Dragoons, a mech mercenary company that I was somewhat familiar with from the old days (1980s) of Battletech.

Or so I thought.

I had no idea how much of the Clan Invasion revolved around the Dragoons.  And now that I know the full story (Clan recon!), I’m more intrigued with the Dragoons, especially after learning that Barnes & Noble has a preorder for a Wolf’s Dragoons Assault Star Force Pack.

Car Wars 6th Edition is a welcome update of one of my favorite games from way back in the day.  Autoduel remains one of the few computer games that I played all the way through.

Quite an ordeal getting my copy of the game, having the core box sit at a FedEx facility for almost 2 weeks, and then only a couple of days wait for the second shipment.

The game plays much like the original, without a lot of the bookkeeping since the cars are built from cards representing crew/gear/weapons/armor.

High Noon is a fairly easy game to learn and play, as I was able to get through the rules and try a scenario within a couple hours of picking up the game.  Game play is simplified compared to other similar games, but I’m a fan of Westerns, and game play feels somewhat cinematic, in the Western sense.  I can’t wait until the Man With No Name inspired supplement comes out.

Hoping to play these games with others soon, if not I’m content playing solitaire.

Battletech Update

I reviewed my Clan Invasion Kickstarter pledge, and found that I had already locked in my order, consisting of even more Inner Sphere stuff.

So I went and ordered a lower tier late pledge and added some Clan Stars to it.  It also allowed me to get a PDF copy of the House Davion handbook for much less than it’s offered on Wargame Vault.

I also took a dive into some of the Clan lore, and saw that there’s a lone green Mad Cat mech piloted by a mechwarrior named The Bounty Hunter.

So I’ve decided to take that lone Mad Cat that I have and make a similar unit, with mechwarrior Dyn Djarin of Clan Mudhorn.  He named his mech the Razor Crest.  I might paint his green, too.

This is the Way.


I just spent my morning working on something that may never see the light of day.


I created a ‘Mech lance for Battletech.

Gavin’s Grenadiers, a mercenary unit consisting of the above silhouetted mechs.

I also created the Mechwarriors for them:

The names came from an online random name generator.

This is how my brain works sometimes.

I see little plastic or metal game pieces for a game that I haven’t played in years (hell, decades) and I’ll come up with more backstory than necessary for them.

If I had the energy to do so, I’d come up with fiction about them, but I’m not that well versed in Battletech fluff/background.