Upcoming and Incoming

I seriously think I have too many options for gaming, resulting in executive indecision.

I’m reading up on that and may ask my doctor about it during my next annual visit.

In the meantime, I hope to finally get around to playing something more consistently in the next few weeks.

I’ve neglected all of the solo RPGs as I’ve been hopping around reading up different systems, when I should just focus on continuing the adventures of the Excalibur.

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Meanwhile, I’ve been preparing for a couple of games that should be arriving in the next month or so, both from Firelock Games.

Oak and Iron is a tabletop naval game in the age of sail.  They have a second edition coming out soon, so I decided to pick this one up since I finally watched Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World.  Ships are in 1:600 scale, and I found a few on MyMiniFactory that I’d like to have included in my games, including the HMS Surprise from the aforementioned M&C movie, and the USS Enterprise , from the late 18th century.

The core set comes with 6 smaller ships, but I did pick up a couple of expansions which contain much larger ships, including 1st/2nd/3rd rate Ships of the Line.

There was a Kickstarter for this last summer, which I backed.

This is basically a smaller scale skirmish version of Blood and Plunder from Firelock, based in the Jamaican city of Port Royal after the earthquake in 1692.

The miniature count for squads average about 6 models, and while I already have models for English, Spanish, Native Americans, and pirates, the core set contains15 models that will represent the French, and I included an add-on of the new Native American set with multi-pose plastic models that I will build as a Maroon (escaped African slaves) faction.

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And of course, I have my sports games to play, but that’s another story.

Stand by!

Go Ahead Punk!

Talk about timing:

I recently rewatched the original Dirty Harry a week or so ago, and then this arrived at the office.

It’s for a game called Go Ahead Punk! and is of course based on the Dirty Harry movie.

The game itself hasn’t arrived yet, but I’m looking forward to playing it on this cool play mat.

Stand by!

2024 Goals

While I didn’t get around to Star Fleet Battles by the end of 2023, it’s on the list for 2024.

I hope to play a tabletop game a week.

That is all.

Stand by!

Upcoming: August 20 – 26

Like I did with my Sports Gaming Blog, I hope this list will act as a prompt for my other gaming.

Paint miniatures for Cyberpunk Red Combat Zone
Paint miniatures for Star Trek Adventures
Setup Star Trek Adventures Captains Log RPG: TOS Era Captain
Setup new crew for Five Parsecs From Home

That should be plenty for the week,

Stand by!

World War Tesla

Found an interesting game a couple of weeks back, an alternate history wargame with 3D printable playing pieces.

World War Tesla™ is an alternate-history wargame by James M. Ward (author of TSR’s Gamma World, Deities & Demigods, and Metamorphosis Alpha) and Thomas A. Tullis, where Nikola Tesla’s more radical ideas such as death rays and force fields have come to fruition, changing the face of a world at war. Giant walking tanks, soldiers with rocket-packs, and flying machines armed with death rays rule the battlefield!

I decided to print a couple of both army’s units:

Continue reading

Status Report

The remaining Battletech Clan Invasion stuff came in, along with Car Wars 6th Edition and High Noon, an Old West skirmish game.

So, lots to keep me busy.

The second shipment of Battletech stuff came with a challenge coin for Wolf’s Dragoons, a mech mercenary company that I was somewhat familiar with from the old days (1980s) of Battletech.

Or so I thought.

I had no idea how much of the Clan Invasion revolved around the Dragoons.  And now that I know the full story (Clan recon!), I’m more intrigued with the Dragoons, especially after learning that Barnes & Noble has a preorder for a Wolf’s Dragoons Assault Star Force Pack.

Car Wars 6th Edition is a welcome update of one of my favorite games from way back in the day.  Autoduel remains one of the few computer games that I played all the way through.

Quite an ordeal getting my copy of the game, having the core box sit at a FedEx facility for almost 2 weeks, and then only a couple of days wait for the second shipment.

The game plays much like the original, without a lot of the bookkeeping since the cars are built from cards representing crew/gear/weapons/armor.

High Noon is a fairly easy game to learn and play, as I was able to get through the rules and try a scenario within a couple hours of picking up the game.  Game play is simplified compared to other similar games, but I’m a fan of Westerns, and game play feels somewhat cinematic, in the Western sense.  I can’t wait until the Man With No Name inspired supplement comes out.

Hoping to play these games with others soon, if not I’m content playing solitaire.

New Paint Job

That’s a lot of mechs.  All the white/primed stuff on the right is from the Clan Invasion Kickstarter.

New paint scheme that for some reason I never considered: blue and orange, but not Mets blue or royal or navy.

This lance is the 7th Coloradian Gunslingers.

Mechwarriors/mechs, left to right:

Jason Elam/Warhammer
John Elway/Rifleman (command)
Shannon Sharpe/Phoenix Hawk
Terrell Davis/Wasp