
I have no intention or desire to play Star Wars X-Wing 2.0 because of the ‘conversion’ cost involved if I were to convert all the 1.0 ships that I own.

That said, I picked up the Fireball.

Star Wars Resistance may not be my favorite animated series, but it’s grown on me, as has this ship.

Don’t know if I’ll ever get a chance to play with it in a game, though.  It’ll be a nice display piece in any case.

Light the spark.

Setup and take down

The biggest issue I have with games like Imperial Assault is the setup and take down time.

Though I think I simplified the issue with IA by separating the different tile sets.  I may end up placing no more than 2 expansion tile sets in a single box.

Of course,  I’m only currently playing through the solo player app on my iPad, so for now it’s only been requiring map tiles from the core set.

But I messed up something in my campaign yesterday, and decided to abandon the campaign and will start over at a later time.

Conversely, setup and take down of Terraforming Mars is a snap, especially for solo play.

It was the first time I got to try this game solo, and I followed a set up video online, but I didn’t need to.  I’d played once before, and solo setup is similar to regular setup.

It’s the game play that’s rough.  I didn’t come close to terraforming in the allotted time.  Though I did manage to smash an ice asteroid and the moon Phobos into the planet’s surface.

Since I finally got the expansions for Marvel Champions that I was waiting for, I’ll probably go back to that game fairly soon.

Stand by!


Haven’t played a game yet.  Sometimes I think I do this just as an excuse to collect something new, like the capital ships from Star Wars.

I’ve ordered a couple of command ships, one for each side, which should bring up the point values to about 250-ish per side.

I have a name for the Rebel flagship, and maybe one for the Imperial flagship.

Stand by!


It’s been a while.

Today I got a new game that I tried immediately when I got home, and I really like it.

I’m not a big horror film fan, but the Universal Studios Monsters have always been a favorite subject of mine.  I’ve seen them all, with The Mummy as my favorite of these films. Continue reading

After Further Review

In the handful of games of Memoir 44 that I’ve played, I’ve had the opportunity to use the ‘Air Power’ card only a couple of times, and usually as the Axis, which is a weaker (1 battle die) attack than an Allied attack (2 battle dice).  So for the most part I’ve thought of this game as primarily a ground assault game.

A few years back and long before I plunged into this game there was an Air Pack expansion that expanded the air combat rules for the game.

At first glance I believed that it was not necessary, since there was an ‘Air Power’ card in the game already.  Many players appeared to feel the same, but others felt it was a necessary addition.

The Air Pack is out of print (like most expansions for this 15 year old game) but Days of Wonder is now planning to release the New Flight Plan expansion.

The rules are posted on the site, and after reviewing them, I decided to preorder a copy of the expansion.

It comes with plane miniatures, like my beloved B-17 Flying Fortress.

Looks like the ‘G’ variant.

Stand by.