I got tone. Firing!

I honestly don’t know why I didn’t back this game on Kickstarter.

I recently picked up the WWII version of this game, and enjoyed it enough to get the modern version.

But seriously, how did I not back a DVG game about modern air combat?

Report incoming.

Corsair Leader

I think I lucked out on my first day of the introductory campaign, Luzon 1945.

I drew two targets, a large anti-aircraft battery, and photo recon for a secondary mission.

I sent in 5 planes to deal with the AA battery, and they destroyed the target with no losses.

I sent a single plane for the photo recon, and the mission succeeded with no casualties.

Of course, when I first played Phantom Leader, I had the same success at first, then failed miserably during the second day of my campaign.

We will see what happens with the next draw from the Target Deck.