
I just spent my morning working on something that may never see the light of day.


I created a ‘Mech lance for Battletech.

Gavin’s Grenadiers, a mercenary unit consisting of the above silhouetted mechs.

I also created the Mechwarriors for them:

The names came from an online random name generator.

This is how my brain works sometimes.

I see little plastic or metal game pieces for a game that I haven’t played in years (hell, decades) and I’ll come up with more backstory than necessary for them.

If I had the energy to do so, I’d come up with fiction about them, but I’m not that well versed in Battletech fluff/background.


I pulled out my Battletech stuff, mostly to check out what I’ve painted, and I still need to paint.

Halo Master Chief paint scheme; the BattleMaster is nicknamed ‘Chief’, or BattleMaster Chief

Justice League lance

Green Lantern Corps lance

Marvel lance.  Spider painted as Ol’ Webhead.  Archer painted up as Hawkeye.

Pepsiman lance


My trusty Urbanmech, primed and ready for a new paint scheme.  I’m not sure what I should do.  Porg?

There are other lances, but these are the only themed ones in my collection.