To-Do List

A bunch of games came in recently, and I really want to play all of them as soon as possible.

But that’s not happening.

Links for the current bunch of games that came in:

Right now I’m focusing my time and energy on Core Space, reading the rule book, priming and painting the miniatures, and watching YouTube tutorials on how to play.

We’ll see if I can get a scenario in this weekend.

Stand by!

Go Ahead Punk!

Talk about timing:

I recently rewatched the original Dirty Harry a week or so ago, and then this arrived at the office.

It’s for a game called Go Ahead Punk! and is of course based on the Dirty Harry movie.

The game itself hasn’t arrived yet, but I’m looking forward to playing it on this cool play mat.

Stand by!

Catching Up

Five Parsecs From Home: I really need to get back into this one, the crew has yet to make planetfall on a new world.  They had just escaped from a world that was undergoing a planetary invasion.

Stargrave: I’m probably not going to play this one anytime soon because it’s similarity to Five Parsecs From Home, and it’s more geared toward 2 players.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Haven’t finished going over the rules, but at least I stopped printing/buying terrain.

Fire Team: newly released baby brother to the newest Kill Team release (huh?).  It’s like how Blitz Bowl was for Blood Bowl, an ‘entry level’ self contained game.

Kill Team: the latest flavor of the month, rules have been read, miniatures painted, terrain prepped.  Just need to find time to set up and play, which is not going to be soon because…

Battletech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter pledge is waiting to be picked up.  That oughta keep me distracted for the next few days/weeks.

Black Ops: Need to do some painting: Russian soldiers, insurgents, and my own Black Ops team that I’m basing off The Unit TV show.  Which means I gotta come up with some cool call signs for my 5-man team.

Gaslands Refueled: I have lots of slightly modified matchbox cars, plus templates and tokens, waiting to be played with.

Necromunda: all the above games have been keeping me busy with no time to delve back into this one, as much as I would love to do so.

And this list doesn’t even include the tabletop sports games that I’ve been neglecting.

Black Ops – SAS

I ordered a couple of sets of 28mm SAS fire teams for Osprey Games’ Black Ops tabletop game.

SAS with silenced weapons

SAS with bergens

They didn’t come with bases, so I went online to look for some, when I realized that I could just use my 3D printer.

I had some base files from last year, but decided to look online and found a file that had 12 – 25mm x 2mm bases, so I downloaded the file and printed the bases.

Here they are with the few British troops that I had from long ago.

So they’re a little shorter than the older minis.

Even with a couple more bases stacked under, they’re shorter.  Ah well.  Won’t matter that much on the battlefield I guess.

Here they are with some Taliban minis from long ago.


I’m taking a plunge into a few skirmish-level games that have come out over the past few years, some of which I picked up some time ago, others I just picked up.


I don’t want to think of myself as a Games Workshop fanboy, since I’ve pretty much given up on keeping up with whatever version of Warhammer 40K is currently out there.  Even Kill Team is less interesting to me.  But Necromunda has always been an interesting game, both background and core rules, which plays much like earlier editions for 40K.  This and Blood Bowl are the only two GW games that I’m planning on playing.

Marvel Crisis Protocol

If anything this scratches the itch for superhero gaming, more than the Marvel Champions card game does.  There’s nothing wrong with the card game, I just bought too many supplements for it.  For MCP I’m sticking to the core set and a handful of supplements that I find interesting.  I’m probably not getting Thanos, for example.

Five Parsecs From Home

I had picked up the previous two versions of this game from the designer through Wargames Vault, and was about to embark on a campaign, when I found out the the 3rd edition was being put out by Modiphius, the game company that currently has the Star Trek and Dune RPG licenses.  This has proven to be a fun one to play, a solo skirmish game, miniatures agnostic, which allows me to mix and match miniatures for my crew and adversaries from ones that I own, thought I bought minis for the next game that I’ll probably use for this one, too.


After watching a lot of review videos, I picked this one up, along with the miniatures sets, even though this one is also miniatures agnostic.  Like 5PFH, this one involves creating a crew to run missions, though this one is designed to be played with at least 2 players, though I may have found a solution around that.

Hostile Tactical AI

This card set emulates an opponent in 2-player skirmish games, like all the ones listed above.  I haven’t tried playing with it yet, but I hope to soon, with one of the games systems listed above, or possibly with Memoir ’44 and the Commands and Colors games in my collection.