There’s been an awakening…

… have you felt it?

Between watching YouTube videos on Solo RPGs and reviews on the systems that I own, I feel more ready than ever to finally get things started with…

How I let this one sit on my shelf for this long without taking a good look at it is a crime.

It really feels like everything I want to get out of a Fantasy Solo RPG experience, and it’s all coming out of one box.

No Mythic GM Emulator needed, though i may use that later, either for this of if I decide to go back to D&D 5E.

I made a DUCK KNIGHT for crying out loud!  I’ll probably try him out in combat when I get home from work.

Stand by!


Captain Cayla Okono, USS Discovery NCC-1798



The Discovery’s traits:
– Deluxe Galley
– Improved Warp Drive
– Point Defense System
– Improved Power Systems

Captain Okono’s Values:
– I finish what I start
– Exploration is the blood that fills my veins
– The mission comes first
– Never leave a stone unturned

Don’t touch that dial!

Core Space

This has to be the most I’ve gotten hooked on a new game in quite a while.

In the two weeks since picking up the core box set, I’ve read the rules, set up the map, and painted almost all of the miniatures that came with my initial order.

I even played the example scenario and found the game pretty easy to pick up and play.

I managed to paint the extra crew set that I want to use in my campaign playthrough, they should be ready to go sometime this week.

I do wonder how this got past my radar on Kickstarter all those years ago, though.  The Kickstarter ran in 2017, the game shipped in 2019.

Stand By!

Moving Right Along

At glacial pace, we’re getting to the first scene/encounter in the currently untitled adventure featuring Raised By Minotaurs.

I pulled out a deck of Quest Deck cards from Kickstarter, a pack called ‘Notice Board’.  Since I had previously stated that RBM came into town to look for a job as a monster hunter, I figured he found a notice board to find work.

I drew 4 cards and picked one that I figured this character would choose.

So we’ll get to this encounter soon.

As an aside, I ended up describing this character as 6’8″, 250 lbs.

Looking around the web for a similar real person, I found that I had made a more muscular Harrison Barnes (also 6’8″) of the Sacramento Kings.

Don’t touch that dial!

The Story Begins…

With some suggestions from Nelson, I’ve managed to start off on my first trek into the Mythic Game Master Emulator.

He first suggested rolling a die to determine what system to use, but I decided to start with the system that I’m most familiar with, D&D 5th Edition.

But what character should I use?

Nelson then suggested rolling a die for that choice, so I assigned a number to ten level 1 characters that I had created in D&D Beyond, and rolled a 3.


Raised By Minotaurs, level 1 human Barbarian.

This one will be interesting to play from his description.

My initial adventure description rolls were “attain’ and ‘information’, so I’m gonna go with RBM entering town, looking for a job as a monster hunter.

More on this later.

Don’t touch that dial!

Step 2

Now that I’ve gotten through the Mythic Game Master Emulator book, I need to decide which system I wanna start off with.

I suddenly had a bug up my ass to try a system that I hadn’t even considered, so I downloaded the core rulebook to take a look.

But then I told myself that no, you’re going to chose one of the three you started to look at, or at the very least, a system that exists in PSF form on my Kindle Fire Tablet.

Lo and behold, the system I had a bug up my ass to consider is on that tablet.


Whether or not I go through with this system over anything else depends on how much I can read of a 300+ page rulebook before I get distracted by the next Shiny Object™.

The system in question:

Blame it on me watching Lawmen: Bass Reeves and The Lone Ranger.

Don’t touch that dial!

Doctors & Daleks

Great.  Another potential system that I’d like to play, physical edition came in on Friday.

Maybe I’ll just start rolling characters in these systems and play the one that interests me the most.

Don’t touch that dial!