Star Trek: Excalibur, S01E02

Ship’s Log, August 3rd, 2154.

The Excalibur has returned us back to our original position prior to our little trip through the spatial rift.  We have resumed course to explore the unknown space before us, and have run smack dab into an Andorian blockade.

The Andorians have not acknowledged our hails and appear to have their weapons trained on the Excalibur.

Hey, this is what was rolled up a couple of days ago.  Though I added the details of them being Andorians and they aren’t answering hails and they appear to be ready to fire weapons on an Earth ship.

Don’t touch that dial!

The Plot

I’m relying too heavily on the random tables in my Captain’s Log campaign.

I need to set up some plot points or even a story arc that I want my character to follow.

And I’ll need to do something similar for any of the other solo RPGs that I start playing, too.

For now, I’ll have Excalibur return though the spatial rift and have them encounter a…

Now that would be telling.

Meanwhile, I’m coming up with ideas for Savage Worlds Pulp, including the big bad that The Tiger Beetle and Jazz Bungo will be fighting throughout the campaign.

Don’t touch that dial!

Star Trek: Excalibur, S01E01

Ship’s Log, July 29, 2154.

While attempting to explore a spatial rift, the Excalibur was struck by a wayward piece of stellar matter from the nearby star, knocking us into the rift itself.  We have sustained minor damage and many casualties, none fatal, but the crew will be operating at less than peak efficiency until our shipmates heal.  Meanwhile, we have detected an uninhabited world nearby and upon further scanning there appears to be a graveyard for numerous shipwrecks scattered on the surface.

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Star Trek: Excalibur: Season Preview

It’s starting to click.  And not just this game system, but the way solo RPGs should work, sparking the imagination in driving the narrative of the story being created.

Listening to Star Trek music while playing really helps the mood, too.

This first episode is going to feel very much like a pilot episode, as the writer’s room (me) starts to find it’s legs.

I’m gonna go for 13 episodes for season one, with the option to pick up the back 9, as it used to be for TV shows in the days before streaming.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to play out Act 3 of this pilot episode.

Don’t Touch That Dial!