Upcoming and Incoming

I seriously think I have too many options for gaming, resulting in executive indecision.

I’m reading up on that and may ask my doctor about it during my next annual visit.

In the meantime, I hope to finally get around to playing something more consistently in the next few weeks.

I’ve neglected all of the solo RPGs as I’ve been hopping around reading up different systems, when I should just focus on continuing the adventures of the Excalibur.

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Meanwhile, I’ve been preparing for a couple of games that should be arriving in the next month or so, both from Firelock Games.

Oak and Iron is a tabletop naval game in the age of sail.  They have a second edition coming out soon, so I decided to pick this one up since I finally watched Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World.  Ships are in 1:600 scale, and I found a few on MyMiniFactory that I’d like to have included in my games, including the HMS Surprise from the aforementioned M&C movie, and the USS Enterprise , from the late 18th century.

The core set comes with 6 smaller ships, but I did pick up a couple of expansions which contain much larger ships, including 1st/2nd/3rd rate Ships of the Line.

There was a Kickstarter for this last summer, which I backed.

This is basically a smaller scale skirmish version of Blood and Plunder from Firelock, based in the Jamaican city of Port Royal after the earthquake in 1692.

The miniature count for squads average about 6 models, and while I already have models for English, Spanish, Native Americans, and pirates, the core set contains15 models that will represent the French, and I included an add-on of the new Native American set with multi-pose plastic models that I will build as a Maroon (escaped African slaves) faction.

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And of course, I have my sports games to play, but that’s another story.

Stand by!

Savage Worlds Pulp Concept Characters

I was flipping through the Pulp Fantastic and came across the Archetypes section, and one popped out me:


And that settled it.  I was gonna make a Green Hornet/Crimson Avenger tribute character, with a twist.

A Filipino playboy and his African-American valet/chauffer by day, scourge of the underworld at night!



I looked up insects of the Philippines, and the tiger beetle jumped out at me.

I mean, no color in the character’s name, which is fine (though tiger beetles come in black, brown and green) but OF COURSE I’m gonna take a beetle name.

And yes, that’s a saxophone on Jazz Bungo’s back.

I’ll work out all the character details later.


The Other Setting

Truth be told, this was one of the reasons Savage Worlds appealed to me some years back.

From the description:

In Dawn of the Daikaiju, players take on the roles of giant monsters called kaiju or daikaiju (the terms are used interchangeably and both mean “giant monster”). Though daikaiju range in origin from oversized insects and dinosaurs to bio-engineered alien weapons, they somehow recognize in each other a single species. Even daikaiju from different worlds work together in packs.

Dawn of the Daikaiju contains a Plot Point Campaign, Adventure Generator, specially adapted race creation rules, and new Edges and Hindrances—and it’s all in Kaiju Scale!

I mean, c’mon, who wouldn’t wanna try to play tabletop Rampage, huh?

Don’t touch that dial!

Savage Worlds: The Setting

As much as I wanted to ignore this system for now, I simply couldn’t after the 20th Anniversary package from Kickstarter arrived today.

And, I think I’ve decided on the setting/genre I wan to play with this system.

It came to me as I was washing my hands in the bathroom and saw this shirt in the mirror.

I checked online to see if there was a pulp setting for Savage Worlds Adventure Edition, and came up with this.

So after I finish with the ending for the Star Trek: Excalibur pilot episode, I’ll be reading up on this system and setting.

Don’t touch that dial!

Core Space

This has to be the most I’ve gotten hooked on a new game in quite a while.

In the two weeks since picking up the core box set, I’ve read the rules, set up the map, and painted almost all of the miniatures that came with my initial order.

I even played the example scenario and found the game pretty easy to pick up and play.

I managed to paint the extra crew set that I want to use in my campaign playthrough, they should be ready to go sometime this week.

I do wonder how this got past my radar on Kickstarter all those years ago, though.  The Kickstarter ran in 2017, the game shipped in 2019.

Stand By!

To-Do List

A bunch of games came in recently, and I really want to play all of them as soon as possible.

But that’s not happening.

Links for the current bunch of games that came in:

Right now I’m focusing my time and energy on Core Space, reading the rule book, priming and painting the miniatures, and watching YouTube tutorials on how to play.

We’ll see if I can get a scenario in this weekend.

Stand by!

Go Ahead Punk!

Talk about timing:

I recently rewatched the original Dirty Harry a week or so ago, and then this arrived at the office.

It’s for a game called Go Ahead Punk! and is of course based on the Dirty Harry movie.

The game itself hasn’t arrived yet, but I’m looking forward to playing it on this cool play mat.

Stand by!


While I’ve always been interested in Feudal Japan, I blame the recent Shogun series on FX for me looking for and finding this game.

This is a very quick play (20-30 minutes) deck building skirmish game representing duels between 2-4 rival samurai.

It comes with miniatures, cards, terrain, and map boards to play out the duels.

There’s also a solo campaign along with AI opponents for solo play.

This was a Kickstarter that I missed, and the base game is all that I was able to find on Amazon.com.

I did manage to find a couple of expansions that looked interesting, with other samurai/characters to play with.

And I’ve found a couple of 3D printer files for tokens and terrain for this game.

I hope to get to the solo campaign sooner rather than later.

Stand by!