
Two things:

  1. I’ve come to realize that I enjoy painting miniatures almost more than I enjoy playing table top miniatures games.
  2. I think I found a possible use for the 3D spaceship aka the Infineon Beetle.

That said, let’s see if I fall down the rabbit hole with this one.


What Ships are For

Remember that 3D-printed spaceship that I had started making last year?

I got a new printer late in 2021, and decided to start printing it from the beginning, and the results have been more than satisfactory for me.

The main issue that I had with what I had done last year was the overuse of support material, rendering the printed pieces almost unusable without a lot of work.

I also followed the directions more closely this time, configuring the printer to the optimum settings per the ship creator, and realizing that MINIMUM supports were necessary for printing.

The results as of this morning:

I should have everything finished this coming weekend.

And as of now, I’m still not sure what I’m going to be using it for, primarily.  It can be my crew’s ship in Five Parsecs from Home, but most if not all the game play for that takes place planetside.

In any case, it will be a nice touch of nostalgia around the house, much like it was when I was 12 or so.

Status Report

The remaining Battletech Clan Invasion stuff came in, along with Car Wars 6th Edition and High Noon, an Old West skirmish game.

So, lots to keep me busy.

The second shipment of Battletech stuff came with a challenge coin for Wolf’s Dragoons, a mech mercenary company that I was somewhat familiar with from the old days (1980s) of Battletech.

Or so I thought.

I had no idea how much of the Clan Invasion revolved around the Dragoons.  And now that I know the full story (Clan recon!), I’m more intrigued with the Dragoons, especially after learning that Barnes & Noble has a preorder for a Wolf’s Dragoons Assault Star Force Pack.

Car Wars 6th Edition is a welcome update of one of my favorite games from way back in the day.  Autoduel remains one of the few computer games that I played all the way through.

Quite an ordeal getting my copy of the game, having the core box sit at a FedEx facility for almost 2 weeks, and then only a couple of days wait for the second shipment.

The game plays much like the original, without a lot of the bookkeeping since the cars are built from cards representing crew/gear/weapons/armor.

High Noon is a fairly easy game to learn and play, as I was able to get through the rules and try a scenario within a couple hours of picking up the game.  Game play is simplified compared to other similar games, but I’m a fan of Westerns, and game play feels somewhat cinematic, in the Western sense.  I can’t wait until the Man With No Name inspired supplement comes out.

Hoping to play these games with others soon, if not I’m content playing solitaire.

New Paint Job

That’s a lot of mechs.  All the white/primed stuff on the right is from the Clan Invasion Kickstarter.

New paint scheme that for some reason I never considered: blue and orange, but not Mets blue or royal or navy.

This lance is the 7th Coloradian Gunslingers.

Mechwarriors/mechs, left to right:

Jason Elam/Warhammer
John Elway/Rifleman (command)
Shannon Sharpe/Phoenix Hawk
Terrell Davis/Wasp

Catching Up

Five Parsecs From Home: I really need to get back into this one, the crew has yet to make planetfall on a new world.  They had just escaped from a world that was undergoing a planetary invasion.

Stargrave: I’m probably not going to play this one anytime soon because it’s similarity to Five Parsecs From Home, and it’s more geared toward 2 players.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Haven’t finished going over the rules, but at least I stopped printing/buying terrain.

Fire Team: newly released baby brother to the newest Kill Team release (huh?).  It’s like how Blitz Bowl was for Blood Bowl, an ‘entry level’ self contained game.

Kill Team: the latest flavor of the month, rules have been read, miniatures painted, terrain prepped.  Just need to find time to set up and play, which is not going to be soon because…

Battletech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter pledge is waiting to be picked up.  That oughta keep me distracted for the next few days/weeks.

Black Ops: Need to do some painting: Russian soldiers, insurgents, and my own Black Ops team that I’m basing off The Unit TV show.  Which means I gotta come up with some cool call signs for my 5-man team.

Gaslands Refueled: I have lots of slightly modified matchbox cars, plus templates and tokens, waiting to be played with.

Necromunda: all the above games have been keeping me busy with no time to delve back into this one, as much as I would love to do so.

And this list doesn’t even include the tabletop sports games that I’ve been neglecting.

Black Ops – SAS

I ordered a couple of sets of 28mm SAS fire teams for Osprey Games’ Black Ops tabletop game.

SAS with silenced weapons

SAS with bergens

They didn’t come with bases, so I went online to look for some, when I realized that I could just use my 3D printer.

I had some base files from last year, but decided to look online and found a file that had 12 – 25mm x 2mm bases, so I downloaded the file and printed the bases.

Here they are with the few British troops that I had from long ago.

So they’re a little shorter than the older minis.

Even with a couple more bases stacked under, they’re shorter.  Ah well.  Won’t matter that much on the battlefield I guess.

Here they are with some Taliban minis from long ago.