Short strap protocol is working. No lower back pain at all. Woohoo!
I’ve been on a Jack Kirby kick for the past year or so, slowly reading the collected Machine Man series, and recently getting into OMAC.
I remember seeing this particular comic when it first came out, on a rack in a grocery store, but didn’t bother asking Mom and Dad if I could get it. I probably ended up with an issue of Action Comics or Superman.
Anyways, the original series ran for only 8 issues, and as I always do, I browsed the web to see if an OMAC figure was still available.
It is, and for less than $8 shipped, on Amazon.
By the way, this Monday is Jack Kirby’s 100th birthday.
Dammit, LootCrate…
Bag Update
This morning I used the new bag that I picked up. It was lightly packed, and hung about where I used to have the other messenger bags, at waist level.
I thought that I had made a huge mistake with using a cross body bag again, but when I got of the bus, I made a point to stand and walk with better posture, which actually helped. Still hurt, though, but not as bad.
I guess the bag had changed my posture for the worse over the years, and my body automatically shifted to that bad posture and matching gait.
Once I got to the office, I googled “messenger bag back pain and was surprised at the number of results. The common theme was that it does cause back pain over time, especially after age 40.
There were also a few suggestions to alleviate the pain, including shortening the strap.
I moved the bag to ride higher above my waist and hip, and surprisingly, it appears to have worked. I had no discomfort at all on the way home.
Day two tomorrow.
Randoms 08.21.2017
As I sat there at AT&T Park tonight, during a game where the Giants were playing spoiler instead of contending for a playoff spot, I came to realize that THESE are the games that I enjoy watching and going to.
Prior to 2010, I grew up watching a lot of bad baseball in San Francisco, so I’m used to this. It’s what’s comfortable to me as a Giants fan.
The three championships?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy that they’ve won 3 in 5 years, but for a majority of my lifetime, this never happened, nor did we believe that it would ever happen, prior to 2010. The prospect of rooting for the Giants as a defending world champion was (and still is) a very alien concept to me. It made me less relaxed at games, or watching at home.
But now that they’ve been mathematically eliminated from the playoffs, the mindset changes, and while a majority of fans are disappointed, I find myself more relaxed and can enjoy the games.
Now, if we can do something about the idiots trying to start the Wave during the game…
Return to Levi’s
My cousin Rich was kind enough to invite me to the pre season home opener between the Broncos and the 49ers.

As much as I’m content to watch sports at home, nothing beats being among the crowd during a live event.
We stopped by Chik-fil-a before the game. I’d never had it before, so I ordered grilled chicken nuggets.
At the stadium, the weren’t going to let us in because if their “no outside food” policy, so we had to scarf down our meals rather quickly. Once we finished, we made our way to our seats, just in time for kickoff.
We stayed in our seats through the first quarter, then went around the stadium. Rich was looking for a friend who might have been able to let us sit in the lower bowl for a bit, but he was not working the game.
While walking around and checking out the new banners and stuff, we noticed that there were banners for 4 of the five 49ers Super Bowl wins. The missing one? Super Bowl XXIV. I wanted to take a picture under it while wearing my Elway Broncos jersey.
Eventually we met up with the recently retired GY, working his first game at the stadium. After chatting for a bit, it was halftime, so we decided to go home.
Thanks again to my cousin Rich for the opportunity to see the stadium, and my boys from Denver, again.