TV 2018-19

This season’s viewing schedule:

The Gifted (FOX)

Mid-season replacement shows, time/day TBD:

The Orville
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

I’m more than half a season behind on all the CW DC shows, and frankly I was getting tired of all of them, so they’re totally off my viewing schedule.  I may end up binge watching them, or switching to them as my morning exercise show.  We’ll see.

None of the new shows interest me.  Though I may end up checking a few of them out over the next week or so.

Game Play Update: Fall 2018 Edition

  1. Hornet Leader
  2. Sherman Leader
  3. Bataan!
  4. Comancheria
  5. Field Commander: Alexander
  6. Tiger Leader
  7. Star Trek Attack Wing
  8. Batman Miniatures Game
  9. Star Wars: Rebellion
  10. Kill Team
  11. Massive Darkness
  12. 7TV
  13. Ghostbusters II
  14. Legendary: Firefly
  15. Legendary: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  16. Dinosaur Island
  17. Gloomhaven
  18. Down In Flames: Aces High
  19. The Dresden Files
  20. Doctor Who: Time of the Daleks

I seem to be getting nowhere with this list.  And there are additional games that have and have not been played, too, since the last time I did this.

On major change is that instead of Warhammer 40K and variations, I only have Kill Team listed.

I also removed print-and-play games, and games that have not arrived yet.

Post-Stone Post

Friday afternoon.

I still didn’t feel 100% this morning, so I stayed home.

I managed to shower at my usual time.  The new scale still says I’ve lost about 8 pounds since the stone appeared.  Surprisingly I can see and feel a difference in my face and my clothes.

I made breakfast, eggs, which I hadn’t had in about a week.  Most of this week was 3am-4am wake up calls to urinate and rehydrate and falling back to sleep until about 7am-8am.  Though I did manage to have oatmeal on Wednesday.

I decided to do what I meant to do last weekend, and went out to get a haircut.  On reflection this should have been done Thursday afternoon, since I was in the area, dropping off the stone to my doctor’s office.

On the way home I stopped by Best Buy, since there was an email from after 11pm last night, telling me that Spider-Man for PS4 was available.  I was asleep at the time.

Once home I popped in the Spider-Man disk, and marveled (heh) at the speed which the game was downloading, minutes instead of HOURS.

I began to watch Iron Fist season 2, which seems better than I was expecting it to be.  I then jumped back to the PS4 and entered the download code for the pre-order bonus stuff, including Peter’s Infinity War suit.

I then started to play Spider-Man.  It’s fun, but I only got [redacted] before I stopped, though I wasn’t feeling anything wrong with my hands.  The PS4 controller just seems more comfortable in my hands than the XBox controller.  We’ll see if this changes as I try to play the game further.

I went back to Iron Fist.  The first episode was good, and I’m currently in the second.  I don’t think I’m going to binge this over the weekend, since there’s other stuff I need to do.

I made the congratulatory frozen pizza that I bought earlier this week, to be eaten post-stone.

I think I’m going to finish this IF episode and either take a nap or do some miniatures painting.

And that elliptical looks like it’s been waiting for me to get back on it.

Stones, Conclusion

Sometime Thursday morning, I believe the stone either made it’s way to the end of the ureter or into the bladder itself.

Oddly, it didn’t appear when I peed a couple of times during the day.

Finally, after taking a #2, as I was about to flush, I saw a dark spot in the bowl (above the water line) about where my wee wee would be pointing, and discovered the stone.

4mm, as the doctor told me it was.

I washed it off and put it in a sample jar that the nurse had given to me as I was discharged from the ER on Saturday night.

I then drove it to my primary doctor’s office and dropped it off to on of her associates.

I’m glad that this one is over, and I hope it’s even longer between stones.

Thanks again to those who expressed their concerns.

Stones, Part II

Saturday morning!  I’m up and taking in a soccer match, and I’m having a light breakfast of cottage cheese and a waffle.

The kidney pain returned.

For the third day in a row.

I texted my sisters about which hospital ER I need to go to under my health plan.  They texted back that I should call a nurse on my health insurance card, and that I should ask about urgent care.

A phone call later, and texts from one sister that she’d be over to pick me up, and I was on my way to UCSF’s urgent care.

It took a couple of hours, but I finally saw a doctor, after giving a urine sample.  She confirmed that I had a kidney stone (blood in urine) and had me have a blood draw to check that everything was fine.  She also prescribed flomax for my condition.

An hour later, I found out that it wasn’t, my creatinine levels were high compared to a recent test in July.  So I was sent across the street to the hospital’s emergency room for an IV to try to get those levels down, and to get a CT scan on my kidneys.

The waiting room time was about 4 hours, and then another hour or so lying on a hospital bed in the hallway near the CT scan room.

I was given a saline drip, then brought in for the scan, and then got a shot of toredol in my IV.

I finally had the doctor arrive to tell me what was up, that the stone should pass on it’s own.  She gave me a prescription for some other pain med (which I may not need) and this time they gave me a strainer and sample container for the stone when it passes.

After I was discharged my other sister picked me up and we picked up some cranberry juice and chicken broth from Safeway.  That’s when I remembered that I forgot to pick up my multi-tool from the security desk, which was confiscated when I arrived to the waiting room.

We went back to pick it up, then went home, where my sister prepared some of the broth and cranberry juice for me.

I feel fine now, probably better once I get the new prescription.

Thanks again to my sisters who I never listen to about health matters, until it does matter.