Avengers: Endgame

Quoth the Collector: MAGNIFICENT!

Plot holes?  Yeah.

But so what?  It was everything I wanted in a movie marking the end of a 22-film series.

I may have teared up more than Chris Evans’ 6 times throughout the movie.

It was a helluva ride, with action, humor, drama, sadness all in the right spots.  The director and creator cameos in one scene was nice to see.

And there were no post-credits scenes.

There was a sound at the end that my nephew and I both thought was [redacted].

Thank you, Kevin Feige, the Russo Brothers, Jon Favreau, the cast and crew of 22 Marvel films, the creators of all the comics characters, and Stan Lee for making this all possible.

Highest recommendation possible, especially if you’ve been following the Marvel Cinematic Universe since 2008.


  • continue reading rules for Box Seat Baseball
  • finish up Thanos figure repaint
  • round of golf (table top) using John Price’s foursome
  • start reading rules for Batman Gotham City Chronicles
  • a game of Memoir ’44
  • an hour of house clean up
  • continue with Ultraman on Netflix

To-Do List 4.20.2019

  • continue reading rules for Box Seat Baseball
  • finish up Thanos figure repaint
  • round of golf (table top) using John Price’s foursome
  • start reading rules for Batman Gotham City Chronicles
  • a game of Memoir ’44
  • an hour of house clean up
  • continue with Ultraman on Netflix

VUDU and Marvel

I’m a completest.

Every time VUDU has a Marvel movies sale, I try to pick one up that I don’t own in order to round out my collection.

Of course, this means I’m down to Iron Man 3 and Thor The Dark World since I bought everything else as they came out.

Today I decided on Iron Man 3.  Next time will be Thor The Dark World.

I’m guessing their next Marvel sale will be in July, before Spider-Man Far From Home comes out.

Whatever It Takes

At WonderCon in 2008, while watching Jon Favreau’s first clip for Iron Man, I NEVER dreamed that I and many of my friends and family would be so invested, emotionally and otherwise, in what has become the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

And 11 years later, the end is near.

Because if we can’t protect the Earth, you can be damned well sure we’ll avenge it.

Return of the Fanboys

I was watching the closing ceremonies of Star Wars Celebration Chicago 2019, and they showed the recap video.

Over Skype I told Nelson that I wanna go back.

He did too, and said that we should go if it came back to Anaheim or to Los Angeles.

After an interesting audience participation exercise involving a large replica of the data disc containing the Death Star plans and a large lightsaber, they revealed the next location:

Hope to see you there!

The End

I got a bit emotional when I first watched this trailer earlier today.

Because it IS the end.

Not the end of Star Wars.

It’s the end of a story that I had first been aware of when I was 10 years old, and I’ve followed for 42 years.

The end of the Saga.

The end of the Skywalker story.

The end of a huge chunk of my childhood, since Star Wars has been an integral part of my life since 1977.

At least this story has been.

I said earlier that I don’t like the title, but the more I think about it, the more I suspect that it isn’t what I think it means.

There will be plenty of fan theories, and some may even be right, but as I learned from The Last Jedi, whatever happens happens, and no amount of whining and complaining will change that.

We shall see, come December.

Hat Trick

I will never not be impressed with today’s rocket technology, having grown up in the era of the Apollo and Space Shuttle missions and their disposable hardware.

3 boosters landed today.

With One Magic Word…

Fun movie.  I liked it.

It did drag at times, but overall it was entertaining.

It was as good as Aquaman, IMHO.

Stick around for 2 credits scenes.

Recommended.  Go see it!