Lemme ‘splain

  1. Superman was, is, and will always be my favorite super hero of all time.
  2. Kingdom Come is one of my all time favorite comic book stories.
  3. Superman Returns is one of my favorite Superman films.

So this image:

fills me with more happiness than humans should be allowed.


1977 was not just the year I turned 10.

Or the year Star Wars first premiered.

Or even the year I got Baron Karza for my birthday (he was in his box on the kitchen table when I came downstairs for breakfast).

1977 was the first year that I seriously started to pay attention to baseball.

I considered myself a baseball fan since I was 4-5 years old, because on weekends we seemed to live at the ballpark, especially if there was a Sunday doubleheader.  I never paid attention to the games as much as my parents and my brother did back then.  I was more interested in when the next time the food vendors would come by our section (General Admission 28).

But two things happened in 1977 that changed the way I saw baseball.

The first was the premiere of “This Week In Baseball”.

Aside from the occasional Giants game, and that day in 1974 when we saw Hank Aaron break the all time-home run record, I’d never seen anything like TWiB, a weekly recap show of baseball, much like the older “NFL Game of the Week” show that would come on in the afternoon on Saturday, after cartoons.

TWiB introduced stars of the game who I was not familiar with, since we only ever saw the Giants on TV.  And the dulcet tones of Mel Allen’s voice made the recaps somewhat exciting.

How about that?

The other thing that happened in 1977 was Chris Speier being traded away from the Giants to the Expos.

Speier was my favorite player on the Giants since my first exposure to baseball, which started my ‘root for the Giants player with your first name and last initial’ thing.

I don’t know if I ever rooted for Tim Foli.  I simply couldn’t, because he took the place of my boyhood idol.

I think I ended up picking either Johnnie Lemaster (another shortstop) or Jack Clark or Bill Madlock or John Montefusco as my new favorite Giants player, mostly because they had cool sounding names.

Years later Speier came back to the Giants, just in time to watch them become a contender in the late 1980s.  By then my ongoing love for baseball had become a permanent thing.


I have a great idea for a custom figure that I should have made years ago.

Mission-class freighter captain.

I have to wait until Cotswold restocks their basic figure assortment.  Hopefully they’ll restock this month.

Or I could make a HeroForge miniature of him.

The custom action figure won’t come with a leather jacket.  Or whip.  Or laser rifle.

Maybe a miniature would be a better option.  It’s certainly cheaper.