
Yeah, I know, I didn’t do a poster or trailer countdown this time.

I simply felt that I didn’t need to.

And I’m still in semi denial that it’s over, as much as I wanted the Saga to end.

May the Force be with you.

The Rise of Skywalker

I actually saw it Tuesday night, thanks to a friend who works at ILM.  Thanks, DC!

I got to see a crew screening, surrounded by ILM employees and their friends and family.  DC was with his kids, and we bumped into DL and his VERY pregnant wife.  They joked that there could be more excitement in the theatre, since the baby was due a few days ago.

We got free popcorn and sodas.  There was nothing being sold except alcohol, so the kids and I didn’t get any candy.  Bummer.

The theatre was sparsely filled, which was great, because I could hear EVERY. LINE. OF. DIALOGUE, unlike other openings where the crowd is rather boisterous.

These are my initial thoughts after coming home and mulling it about in my head.

I loved it.  This movie had almost everything that I love about Star Wars.

I laughed, cried, cheered, not in that order, and repeatedly.  There were a couple of ‘WTF?’ moments.

This is the first time that I left a theatre after a Star Wars movie totally happy.

My initial ranking puts it behind Rogue One and Star Wars in my personal list, which makes it my 3rd favorite.

So my revised top 10 Star Wars films list looks like this:

  1. Rogue One
  2. Star Wars
  3. The Rise of Skywalker
  4. The Last Jedi
  5. The Empire Strikes Back
  6. Solo
  7. The Force Awakens
  8. Return of the Jedi
  9. Revenge of the Sith
  10. The Phantom Menace

Admittedly, I felt that it was a bit slow at first, but things really picked up in the second half or even 2/3rds of the film.

Recommended (duh).

Go see it!