
Got up this morning, showered, dressed, came back downstairs, found my niece playing on her phone.

me: Are you hungry?
Chloe: No.
me: C’mon, you haven’t eaten since last night.  I’ll be right back with something for breakfast.
Chloe: Okay.

I drive off to get pork buns.

Except… it’s Chinese New Year.

And all the Chinese restaurants are closed.


Next stop, Dunkin’ Donuts.


I liked it.  A lot.

I daresay that, IMHO, it’s the best TV Star Trek series since The Next Generation.

It’s no secret that I was never a huge fan of any series that followed TNG.   I thought Deep Space Nine was okay, Voyager was meh, and Enterprise was simply bad TV, except for the Mirror Universe episodes.

Discovery, like Enterprise, was bad TV.

Picard felt like TNG had morphed into something else, as a result of the movies, which technically it had.  It even referenced the Romulan supernova event from the 2009 film.

After one episode, it just feels right to me.  There was enough backstory to bring us up to speed with the state of the universe and how Picard relates to it.  There are some very intriguing characters, and that ending was a surprise, for a first episode.  But not TOO much of a surprise, all things considered.

I recommend it, but be aware of my personal Star Trek tastes.

“Tea, Earl Grey, decaf.”

Rule of Two

Except for basketball and soccer, I root for two teams in every sport that I’m interested in.

Giants and Mets.

Sharks and Flyers.  Maybe the Maple Leafs.

49ers and Broncos.

I root for my local/home teams unless it’s the Broncos or Mets playing the 49ers or Giants.

Just ask anyone who was around for Super Bowl XXIV, when I was probably the lone person in the city of San Francisco wearing a John Elway #7 Broncos jersey, rooting against the 49ers.

Or the postseason Giants games against the Mets.

As for this season, I threw my support for the Broncos out the window when they signed Joe Flacco.  They’re still my team, but everyone knew that Flacco was not the answer.  Hopefully Drew Lock will lead us into a better future.

So I climbed back onto the 49ers bandwagon, which has been a team I’d been a fan of since freshman year in high school, when this happened:

This year’s squad is full of likable guys, like George Kittle and Jimmy Garoppolo.

And Richard Sherman, that guy you hate, unless he’s on your team.

So while I can say I’m a bandwagoner, I can sorta kinda claim the ‘Faithful Then, Faithful Now’ moniker as well.  From a certain point of view.

Chris Explains Stuff: Be With Me

The fallen Jedi didn’t communicate with Rey at the beginning of The Rise of Skywalker because they all knew that she was a Palpatine.  They were not sure if she could be ‘trusted’.

Once they saw her save Ben and fight off the Emperor’s minions, they deemed her worthy of their help.

Thank you for attending my TED Talk.


Things kinda went quiet around here between the halfway point of The Mandalorian Season 1 and the premiere of The Rise of Skywalker.


I thoroughly enjoyed both, but felt that The Mandalorian stuck the landing for it’s first season and was better than The Rise of Skywalker.

Heck, it was better than the Sequel AND Prequel trilogies, IMHO.

In fact, The Mandalorian ranks up in my top 5 Star Wars entities, in no particular order:

  • Star Wars
  • Rogue One
  • Rebels
  • The Mandalorian
  • West End Games’ Star Wars The Role Playing Game

The Thrawn Trilogy, Dark Empire, Kenner’s Millennium Falcon playset, my Millennium Falcon keychain and Brian Daley’s Han Solo Trilogy are the next 5 in my list of favorites.

Funny how there’s only two movies in all of Star Wars on my top favorites list.

I’ll still watch them all whenever they play on TV, though.