Grab Bag
I ordered a t-shirt grab bag from Ebbets Field Flannels, and I got:
And a Barbers Point Pointers (Hawaii) t-shirt, which I couldn’t find an image for online.
None of them are available on the website. I guess it was a clearance sale on these shirts.
I was hoping for at least one Pacific Coast League t-shirt, maybe the Seals or the Rainiers. Ah well.
Picard, Revisited
I swear, if they don’t start moving the Borg artifact story line forward, I’m gonna have to shoot someone. With a phaser. Set to wide-angle mangle.
Still crushing on Isa Briones, though.
Seriously, this show has gone from ‘wow, what a great pilot episode!’ to ‘WTF are they doing with the sliding barefoot on the Borg cube?’
And how many episodes until Picard gets his crew together? Are we done? Are we going to see a French or Italian or Russian hologram aboard the La Sirena soon?
And what’s up with the pseudo-incestuous Romulan couple?
Dr. Jurati is bordering on Tilly-level annoyance.
All that said, it’s still intriguing enough to pull me back every week. So far.
I’m just concerned that they may not stick the landing when the series ends.