Post-Game II

After another successful online D&D session, I again revisited my character and how he did in the adventure.

My biggest problem was with paladin spells, my character cast 3 and failed on 2 (Command, Compelled Duel) while one resulted in nothing significant (Detect Magic).

So I went and redid the prepared spells for my character.

I dropped Command and Detect Magic, and added Heroism and Searing Smite.

Hopefully Kal Jadestone will be more effective in this next adventure.  His bear companion Zod has played better than he has.

Bittersweet Sixteen

Hi, Mom.

It’s been 16 years since I held your hand and felt your last breath leave your body.

All things considered, I’m doing okay right now.

I had a hell month in August with a kidney stone.

I’m currently in the office, working on a couple of laptops and a desktop.

It’s been a crazy year.

There’s a guy that just arrived up there that you may want to say ‘Hi’ to, Chadwick Boseman.  Dad knows who he is.  He can tell you about him.

I just wanted to drop a note and tell you that I love you and miss you.