Godzilla vs. Kong

I think I teared up about half a dozen times, I was so happy with this film.  I clapped.  I silently cheered in the early morning as I watched this on HBOMax.

They did something that the other two Godzilla films didn’t do, and that was show, not tell.  There was exposition, but a lot of stuff that they could have had in long, wordy scenes, they didn’t.  Hell, there was a line that more or less jokingly addressed that.

The monsters fought.   That’s all I ask for.  They fought.   And they fought well.

The people scenes were less than before, probably why the movie came in at a tad under 2 hours in length.

None of the humans were in the movie long enough to be annoying, even the ones who would have been under other circumstances.

Every character had an appropriate resolution by the end of the film.  Heh.

The movie is definitely in my top 10 Godzilla films, maybe even my top 5.

It ranks just below Kong: Skull Island in my Monarch/Monsterverse list.

The Hero’s Journey and Journal

A couple of years ago, a close friend of mine suggested that I need to go on my Hero’s Journey.

Basically he meant that need to go through some quest, if you will, that can help me find or refocus my purpose, since I’ve definitely have lost my way, so to speak, in many aspects of my life.

I’ve been told by a couple of friends that one way that helps them focus is journaling, which I’ve looked at, but seemed like something that was a bit too much or not enough, depending on what I was trying to accomplish.

Which is my basic problem.  What the hell am I doing?

And then I came across a product called The Hero’s Journal.  A method to help me tell a better life story.

So I’m going to try an experiment with this product, setting up a quest and going through the 90 days (pages) of this journal to see if my goal can be achieved.

Simple goal, really, to see if I can lose the weight I’ve gained during the pandemic, if not more.

I’ve done weight loss before, but it was all gained back over the years, and then some, thanks to working from home/sheltering in place.

So part of the quest will be finding solutions and sticking with it over the 90 days.

I think writing this down will give me a better handle of what I’ve been doing (or failing to do) over the past year or so.

We’ll see what happens.