DC Universe Miniature Game

I finally took a look at the free rules download for the DC Universe Miniature Game.

It’s made by Knight Models, the same company who produced the Batman Miniature Game.

Batman Miniatures is based on a D6 system.

DCU Miniatures is based on a D8 system.


So the two systems are incompatible with each other, which explains a lot, to be honest, like why they just didn’t simply release an expansion for the rest of the DCU, like they did with the DCTV shows, namely Arrow and The Flash.  The power levels necessary for the full DC Universe would probably break the Batman game, so a different system was created.

Super Speed/Speed Force was probably simple enough to incorporate into the current miniatures rule set.

They will sell ‘Multiverse’ figures which can be used in either game.  The Catwoman figure that I had pre-ordered is one of those new figures, with a stat card for each game included.  I hope they come out with Multiverse cards for existing models, so I can use my current Batman minis with the new game.