Network Printers

My nemesis, even at home.

My main printer was listed as offline this morning, so I tried to reconnect it via the setup software, and it kept telling me to check firewall settings.

I searched the internet for firewall settings and found and applied them, both on the new router and in Windows.

No dice.

I then decided to hardcode an IP address into the printer, and that’s where I found the problem: it was set to static IP, with no IP assigned to it. Whut?

So I set it to DHCP, restarted it, and it connected.

I hate network printers.


After many years of not showing any symptoms of kidney stones, I had an incident.

I was sitting at lunch when I felt the first dull pain.  It slowly increased in intensity until both of the people sitting with me noticed that something was wrong with me.

One of them correctly identified it as a kidney stone.  She said that I should go see I doctor.  I got up and walked to the bathroom to pee.

When I got back to the table, I decided that it was time to leave, so I did.

I passed by my supervisor’s office to let her know what was up, and then collected my stuff at my cube, and left.

Luckily I drove in today.

Unluckily there was a fender bender right in front of the exit of the parking garage.  Arrgh.

A couple of minutes of the two cars moving out of the way and I was on my way home.

Since it was midday there was light traffic on the freeway home, but the pain started to ebb and flow, as it does.

I parked in the garage, stumbled upstairs, changed and lay down on my bed.

I got up a couple of times to drink some water and try to get comfortable in sitting and standing positions, but lying down seemed to be the thing I needed to do.

I lay on my left side as I figured gravity might assist the stone’s movement in my right kidney.

I kept having to move every few minutes as what felt comfortable one moment was painful the next, until finally I fell asleep.

A couple of hours I woke up, pain free.

I found the container that I used to pee in when I first had kidney stones and used it.  No stone to be found.

I feel okay.  I’ll probably go back to work tomorrow, barring any incidents between now and tomorrow morning.

Turbo Copter

One of the coolest G.I. Joe accessories that I recall from childhood is the Turbo Copter.  Basically it was a one-man helicopter backpack.

Recently a Brazilian company reissued the Turbo Copter (as Turboćoptero) along with a figure.

I was very close to ordering that set, until Cotswold parted out the set, with the backpack selling separately.

I had an idea for something more than a basic Adventure Team figure to go with this:  why not a Cybernetic Explorer?

Behold! Continue reading “Turbo Copter”


Social media should not feel like walking through a minefield, but there you go.


One of my favorite video games is Red Dead Redemption.

You play a cowboy.  Enough said.

I had fun playing this one, even though I never did finish it.

This morning Rockstar Games released the first gameplay video/trailer for the sequel to the game, and I immediately pre-ordered it.

I decided to forgo the physical box and other goodies for the digital edition.

As much as I like steelboxes, I really don’t need that or the map that’s offered with the Ultimate Edition.

If you’re going to be playing on the XBox One, I’ll see you in game.

The Death of Superman

If you’ve read DC Comics in the past 26 years, you’re aware of the Death of Superman storyline.

It’s a classic.  One of my favorite stories to pick up and read over again.

It was one of the few times that I cried over a comic book story.

Yeah, they killed Superman.  But you knew he’d be back.  It just took over a year for him to return in the comics.

This year, DC/WB Animation came out with an adaptation of this story, and it’s far better than I expected.

Continue reading “The Death of Superman”


Mental Health Day!

Woke up feeling bleh.

Went out to get something to eat later in the morning.

My travels brought me to the Disney Store at Serramonte.

There were a couple of displays of Winnie the Pooh stuff, but I didn’t see any Christopher Robin movie related merchandise.

Until I saw this.

Continue reading “Wednesday”