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“People need to bring anger into their lives.”
I said this to a co-worker yesterday as we were discussing The Last Jedi, and the people who not only dislike the new movies, but outright hate them AND must let you know this as much as possible.
It’s like they thrive on being angry with something, anything, that brings joy to others.
I’m guilty of this to some degree (Star Trek Discovery). But at the very least, I gave it a chance, watching a few episodes before deciding that it wasn’t for me.
The hate mongers out there decide to hate something before it comes out (The Last Jedi) yet they’ll go see it anyway, just to complain about it later.
“That’s hate watching,” as I explained to my co-worker.
And this morning the news of the Disney-FOX deal has brought out the same hate over something that they have no control over. Or do they?
Mostly I’ve seen people claiming that they hate that Disney is buying up studios and properties and ‘ruining’ franchises. They call the new Star Wars films ‘unwatchable’.
You could just choose to not watch.
I’m not an anime fan. So I don’t watch any of it. And I never mention it.
Why is this so hard to do for some people?
“People need to bring anger into their lives.”
And the truth is, that’s kinda sad.
Star Trek fans are the worst, Trekkie or Trekker.
And I do count myself among them.
I can be just as bad as the worst ones I’ve ever met.
I usually choose not to be.
If I ever start complaining about Star Wars, just shoot me.
I’m a comic book fan. It’s never been about DC vs. Marvel, to me.
Said it before, I’ll say it again: I drink both, I prefer Pepsi over Coke.
Weekend over?
Spent most of my afternoon organizing the gigantic boardgame known as Gloomhaven.
The box is massive, and is packed with rules, cards, miniatures, and lots of cardboard parts (tokens, counters, the board).
Luckily I found a cheap system to sort and store all the parts, involving some Plano tackle/storage boxes from Dick’s Sporting Goods.
The alternative is to get some laser cut storage solution that costs almost as much as the game.
Nice as it looks, I can’t justify it.
Game play report soon, I hope.
Today a bunch of us trekked up Larkin Street and had lunch at Little Henry’s.
The last time I ate at a Little Henry’s was probably 30-odd years ago, at the one on Balboa St. This one near work looked more or less the same as the one I’d been to many years ago.
The menu looked about the same, and this time I decided to have breakfast instead of lunch or dinner.
Steak and Eggs. Medium and over hard.
It was about as tasty as any other time that I’ve had that meal, though the portion (i.e. the steak) seemed a bit small.
Others had onion soup, a pasta dish, a meatball sandwich, and a Joe’s Special.
All-in-all, it was satisfying and a bit nostalgic.
Buh Filler
*keyboard riff*
- Wednesday (12/6): The Phantom Menace
- Thursday (12/7): Attack of the Clones
- Friday (12/8): Revenge of the Sith
- Saturday (12/9): Rogue One
- Sunday (12/10): A New Hope
- Monday (12/11): The Empire Strikes Back
- Tuesday (12/12): Return of the Jedi
- Wednesday (12/13): The Force Awakens
- Thursday (12/14) The Last Jedi