Which this week, is Friday.
aka Blog v4.0
I feel… 80% better after this Election Day than I did a year ago.
Why are vanilla-flavored Tootsie Rolls a ‘limited edition’?
My dream Marvel film would be a team up with Korg, Groot, and Luis.
While I enjoy watching basketball now, I really wish my Broncos or the 49ers were doing better in football.
Or maybe baseball should just start already.
November 17th is gonna be a busy day.
Dunkin’ Donut run in the morning. I have yet to invoke my AARP card ‘free donut with large coffee’ thing.
Started watching the Broncos-Eagles game, but decided to go out and run errands instead.
Didn’t pick up anything from Barnes & Noble.
Picked up some grey paint from Gator Games.
Didn’t pick up anything from Toys R Us.
Didn’t pick up anything from Tanforan Shopping Center.
I stopped by McDonalds because I wanted a milkshake. I ordered a Mighty Kids meal, and when I asked for a chocolate shake, the cashier said that they were out of shakes. What?
I stopped by Best Buy to support my niece and her Girl Scout troop, who were selling chocolate and nuts in front of the store. I went inside to find an ATM, and ended up picking up Call of Duty WWII.
I went home and used my new paint to finally start painting up my Militarum Tempestus Scions again. I also watched the end of the 49ers game.
And now I’m watching Marvel films on TV.
This was another great Marvel film. Not sure if it cracks my top 3 Marvel films list, though, or even my top 10 superhero films list.
There were a couple of cameos that I didn’t expect, and a few… demises that made me sad.
Folks who are growing tired of the superhero genre need to realize that all of the Marvel movies are chapters in a much larger story, which has been building since 2008’s Iron Man.
It’s the second best Thor film for sure, far surpassing The Dark World.
I don’t think there was a weak character in the film, even some of the third tier characters were great. In fact, this film introduced one of my new favorite MCU characters, Korg.
Here he is in POP! Vinyl form:
I hope he appears in Infinity War.
Go see this film!