
The game has had it’s rulebook and charts updated, so I downloaded them after I had played my campaign.

There was also an option to request a hardcopy of the updated, reformatted charts, which I did yesterday.

Today I got an email telling me that the charts are on their way.

Great service from Lock n Load Publishing.

First Play: A Wing and A Prayer

Finally got around to trying out this game.

I played the short campaign, covering the early bombing missions from August to December 1942.  5 missions total.

Heavy damage was inflicted on the following targets:

  • St. Omer (aircraft factory)
  • Lille (industrial center)
  • Antwerp (industrial center)

The following targets were completely destroyed:

  • Cherbourg (aircraft factory)
  • Rotterdam (marshalling yard)

Of the 12 B-17F bombers under my command, the following 10 ended the campaign with better than ‘green’ crews:

‘crack’ crew:

  • Slavo Sally
  • Jersey Bounce
  • Queenie
  • Hell’s Angels (lead bomber throughout campaign)
  • Big Red
  • Demo Darling
  • Green Hornet

‘veteran’ crew

  • Chow Hound
  • Pueblo Vengence
  • Peoria Bell

12 Campaign victory points, resulting in:

Major Victory: War shortened by 3 months.  You earn the Silver Star and an eventual promotion to Brigadier General.

This is possibly my second favorite of the four B-17 bomber games that I own, right below B-17 Queen of the Skies, and ahead of B-17 Flying Fortress Leader and Target for Today.

The 50s

October 13, 1967: premiere date of Star Trek episode ‘The Apple’.

The crew of the Enterprise visits a mysterious and deadly paradise planet which they discover is controlled by a machine called Vaal.

This episode ties a record for the number of red shirt deaths in a Star Trek episode (4, same number as in ‘Obsession’).

  • Hendorff – Killed by thorns of a poisonous plant
  • Kaplan – Struck by lightning
  • Mallory – Killed by explosive rock
  • Marple – Hit with a stick by Akuta

Other highlights of this episodes include Vaal:

And David Soul as Makora:


I’m using these Spocktober quotes as a crutch to keep my daily blog post thing going.

The truth is that they were pre-programmed to post since September.
