
Things from Star Wars that I specifically collect:

Millennium Falcon
Han Solo
ESB Bounty Hunters (primarily Boba Fett)
Captain Rex
Jyn Erso

Added to the  list:


The Gifted

I had no idea that it was created by MATT NIX, the guy who created one of my favorite shows of all time, Burn Notice.

Plus, Amy Acker is in it.  I love Amy Acker.  I think I’ve watched everything that she’s ever appeared in.

And there’s Lowell High alum Jamie Chung, who I also adore.

I’ll give it the requisite 3 episodes to see if I stick with it or not.

So far, I like it.

One Week Later

Discovery didn’t get any better.

It got worse.

It’s a bad TV show.  With bad writing, bad acting, and bad characters.

Others are enjoying it, so your millage may vary.

No more episodes for me, though.