These arrived yesterday:
I ordered them from NASA about 2 weeks ago.
aka Blog v4.0
It sucked.
15 years ago I stopped watching Star Trek Enterprise because it was bad TV, not just bad Star Trek.
Star Trek Discovery follows in those footsteps.
The first episode was BORING as hell, and the second episode was better, but not by much. Lots of exposition in the first episode, and less of it in the second.
They simply spit on continuity and canon way too much in this series, so much so that I’ve already decided that this is another timeline, apart from both the Prime universe AND the Kelvin universe.
If you liked it and will continue to watch, more power too you. Watch what you enjoy and fuck the haters. Feel free to include me as one of them if you want.
I’m not going to continue watching. It’s not interesting enough to me to finish it up.
Just like I never finished Enterprise.
Or Voyager.
Or DS9.
Or Warehouse 13.
Or The Walking Dead.
Or Hawaii 5-O.
Or Once Upon a Time.
Or Gotham.
Or Fringe.
I’m… understandably curious. But not as enthusiastic about this premiere as I have been for TNG/DS9/VOY/ENT.
It’s been 12 years since the last time Star Trek has been on TV. I should be excited about that. It belongs on TV, as much as I like the movies. It’s roots are in TV. But not behind a pay wall/app.
So yeah, I’ll tune in for the premiere, and I’ll catch the other episodes whenever I can, I suppose.
Arr, matey.
So, that was that.
Dad dropped me off at the hospital and I wandered around until I found the endoscopy department. I checked in and filled out some paperwork.
A few minutes later a nurse brought me over to the changing room, where I stripped down to two hospital gowns and a pair of hospital socks.
I made one last trip to the bathroom and was led to the pre-procedure area and laid in bed as my vitals were taken and had an IV attached to my hand. The doctor stopped by to talk and have me sign the consent form.
I laid there for a little over an hour, because the guy ahead of me came in late, so they were taking care of him first.
Another nurse appeared, and two of them wheeled me into the procedure room. I answered a few more questions as they hooked me up to some monitors to track my vitals.
As the nurse attached and injected a couple of meds into my IV, I then woke up in the post-procedure area, feeling light headed but not nauseated.
I was out like a light during the entire procedure, which lasted about 20 minutes. I think I was out for almost an hour.
I was given some apple juice and then given my clothes to change. The nurse walked me back out to the check in/waiting room, where I waited for Dad to pick me up.
Dad dropped me off at home (he had to go out and get his meds) and I ate a pack of saltine crackers.
I then took a nap.
Now I’m hungry, so I ordered a cheeseburger.
When I used to have a bad gout attack, the doctor would prescribe colchicine, which would induce diarrhea.
This prep stuff that I’m taking for the colonoscopy is supposed to do the same thing, which it is.
This is nothing I have not experienced before.
The liquid diet thing was the worst part, truth be told.