Return to Levi’s

My cousin Rich was kind enough to invite me to the pre season home opener between the Broncos and the 49ers.

Coin toss

As much as I’m content to watch sports at home, nothing beats being among the crowd during a live event.

We stopped by Chik-fil-a before the game.  I’d never had it before, so I ordered grilled chicken nuggets.

At the stadium, the weren’t going to let us in because if their “no outside food” policy, so we had to scarf down our meals rather quickly.  Once we finished, we made our way to our seats, just in time for kickoff.

We stayed in our seats through the first quarter, then went around the stadium. Rich was looking for a friend who might have been able to let us sit in the lower bowl for a bit, but he was not working the game.

While walking around and checking out the new banners and stuff, we noticed that there were banners for 4 of the five 49ers Super Bowl wins.  The missing one?  Super Bowl XXIV.  I wanted to take a picture under it while wearing my Elway Broncos jersey.

Eventually we met up with the recently retired GY, working his first game at the stadium.  After chatting for a bit, it was halftime, so we decided to go home.

Thanks again to my cousin Rich for the opportunity to see the stadium, and my boys from Denver, again.

The Defenders

It was good.

I enjoyed it more than Iron Fist, about as much as I enjoyed Luke Cage.

That’s about all I can say.

The big takeaway?



Gonna try switching to a messenger bag again, but smaller than the Jack Sack.

The idea is to *not* weigh it down to cause lower back discomfort, which is what I did with the larger bags, forcing me to use a backpack.

New murse should arrive Monday.

Unboxing, Sorta…

Same sized box

Bigger rulebook, 96 pages vs. 166 pages

One sheet of counters is the same in both editions; the new edition has many more counters per sheet

I think I’m gonna need a bigger box for counters

The new rules no longer need these carrier group counters, so I’ll pack them away with the older 2000 set