
Or perhaps I should just get back into photography.

I did buy that fancy lens a while back, and have not really taken full advantage of it.

Perhaps it’s time.


I've spent the last few days downloading and trying out drawing apps on my iPad.

I haven't been happy with any of them.

I think I need an actual sketchbook, for doodling.

To be continued…

2017-18 TV Schedule

Subject to change, naturally:


The Flash
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow

Designated Survivor

The Orville

Agents of SHIELD

Shows I’ll probably check out:

Marvel’s Inhumans
Black Lightning

I don’t know about the new military-based/SEAL team wannabe shows, and there are a few.  Nothing else new looks interesting to me.


I wish I could say that I’ve seen Giants teams play worse that this year’s squad, but that would be a lie.

And it doesn’t help that the Dodgers seem to have put all the pieces together for a deep run into the playoffs.

I guess we’ll see in October.

This wasn’t much of a rant after all.

I waited a while before typing the title of this post, and starting to type the post itself.


Today I saw a few items during my Target run that I’d usually pick up right away.

But the fact that I have more than a few figures still in their packaging has made me curb my figure purchases.

I simply don’t have room for a lot of this stuff anymore.

Of course, this all goes out the window when Force Friday rolls around.


Monday I found one of those cards from the post office, telling me that they tried to deliver a package but they couldn’t and it would be held at the post office the next day, after 12 noon.

Tuesday I left work early in order to pick up the package, but they looked and said that it wasn’t dropped off yet, and to try back tomorrow.

Wednesday I left work early again to pick up the package, and again they couldn’t find it.  The postal worker game me a slip of paper with a phone number to call and to ask for the delivery manager.

Thursday I called and left a message with someone since the delivery manager was on another line, along with the tracking number.

I checked the tracking number, and all it said was that it was from Poland.

I have a pretty good idea what it is, a replacement miniature for a Kickstarter project/game.  I requested it and had it sent to my home address.  It was probably a small packet/envelope that may have been dropped or lost by the postman.

Friday I couldn’t seem to get a hold of anyone at that phone number, so I emailed the game people in Poland, explained what happened, and asked if they could sent another replacement to my work address.

Saturday I went back to the post office in the hope that maybe it was finally dropped off, but again it wasn’t.

This Monday I’ll try the phone number again, and maybe I’ll get lucky and they can find it, but in the mean time I’m hoping that the game people will send the replacement.  They never emailed me the first time around, so we’ll see what happens.