Latest Dive Into the Past

Old sci-fi films that I never watched for $100, Alex.

The ship design is familiar, and one that I’ve always liked.  Even though I grew up during the time of the Starship Enterprise, the Alphan Eagles, and the Millennium Falcon, the sleek, simple shape of a rocketship is what classic science fiction is all about.

Sadly, I couldn’t find this movie streaming on the usual sites, so I went looking for a disc version.  I managed to find a copy on ebay, at a reasonable price, and should have it in a week or so.

I found this on Amazon as well:

It’s my next project, as soon as it comes in.

5th Doctor

Annual check up/physical time!

So my regular doctor, who I’d been seeing for a few years, is out on leave, so I had to see another doctor, the 5th in a series of doctors who I’ve seen now, at the same location.

Anyways, my blood pressure came back fine, my left elbow pain was diagnosed as tendinitis, and she challenged me to get my 10,000 steps in (she saw that I was wearing my FitBit) and to spend at least 3 days a week working on cardio for 1/2 an hour, like on my elliptical.

We also talked about my getting a colonoscopy, which I’ll need to call in for soonish.

They opened up a separate office of lab work, which I went to for blood work after my visit, and I was in and out in a couple of minutes.

I was a hungry afterwards, more than usual, so I ended up with 2 bagels (one pretzel, one sourdough) and juice from Noah’s Bagels.


A while back, when they first announced that Peter Capaldi was leaving Doctor Who, and speculation began on his successor (i.e. the 13th Doctor), there was the usual talk of an actress taking over the role.

Talk like that has gone on for as far back as I could remember, even before I watched the series.

When Tom Baker was leaving the series, and the possibility of a woman taking over the role, Starlog Magazine got blasted for writing an article tiled ‘Nurse Who?’ implying that a woman can only be a nurse.

Sadly I’d recently seen the same comments, and worse, from people on Twitter.

Anyways, one of the first women who I thought of for the role was Jodie Whittaker, since she had worked with incoming showrunner Chris Chibnall on Broadchurch.

I put that thought aside, until this weekend, when the frontrunners for the role were Kris Marshall, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Tilda Swinton… and Jodie Whittaker.

So I jokingly said on Facebook that I’d be okay with Jodie Whittaker as the 13th Doctor, since she’d fought aliens before, in Attack the Block.

I got up this morning to watch the announcement after the Wimbledon Men’s Final, and was surprised to see this:

For the second straight time, my suggestion for the Doctor’s replacement was been picked.  I said that Peter Capaldi would make a great Doctor, days before the official announcement.

Welcome aboard the TARDIS, Jodie Whittaker!

Home Run Derby

I actually watched a bit of it tonight.

This Aaron Judge guy is unreal.

The expression on the umpire’s face…

The guy is from NorCal, he grew up a Giants/Buster Posey fan, and a 49ers fan.

He’s got me as a fan now, I hope this kid goes far.



This is a quick rundown of our first session with this new system.

There are 5 of us plus a GM.  We all created characters, and not one of us created a human/humanoid player character.

  • GM: Nels
  • Bruce: droid
  • Dave: droid
  • Ray: lizard
  • Glenn: turtle
  • Me: koala

We got through a ‘training’ session with our characters’ new employer, who hired us to do a thing.

We got a ship, which was a piece of crap, so we flew to where Bruce’s character’s ship was located, and that’s about where we stopped.  I think.

We may have ended on the planet where we have to do the thing.

So far, it’s much more straight forward than our experience with Mutants and Masterminds, which makes sense since Hyperlanes in basically Space D&D 5E.

Oh, and Grok (my koala character) is armed with a pistol and an axe.  The choppy kind, not a guitar.