Late Thursday Post

edit: I didn’t hit publish on this?

The Techno Bowl Kickstarter included PDFs to make your own ‘pixel block’ players, which I started to do:

Behold, the Bighorns!

Blocks and player/team print-outs
The first two finished! I’m #42…
The team

Attack Wing Update

I fell behind on the updates.

24 ships.


IRW Scimitar, Scimitar-class
IKS Negh’Var, Negh’Var class

Ooops, 26 ships…

USS Enterprise, NX-class
I’ve always been fond of this ship, even though I didn’t watch the series past season 1…
USS Venture, Galaxy-class
Part of the fleet that fought in the Dominion War

Glasses Update

After a few days I can already tell that I made a bad call and should have gone with one pair or progressives instead of two pairs, one distance, one reading.

After a brief email exchange, my optometrist said that I can re-lens one pair into progressives and return the other one for credit.

I’ll need to go back in for some measurements.

I’m guessing that I’ll have to keep the larger of the two pairs since progressive lenses apparently need to be in a larger frame.

To be continued…


I just finished watching Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan for the umpteenth time.

This time it was for the 35th anniversary of it’s theatrical release.

I wish I had know that it was going to be part of one of Cinemark’s Movie Classics program last Fall.  I haven’t seen this in the theatre in… 35 years.

Looking back on that day in 1982, when my classmates and I took MUNI down to the Regency I theatre on Van Ness Boulevard, I can’t recall everyone who was there.

Stupid aging.

And to this day, like every time before, I still cry when Spock dies.

It’s gotten worse since Leonard Nimoy passed away.

This remains my favorite Star Trek film.  Period.

Best Laid Plans…

I ran some errands today, and stopped by a couple of game stores.

They had the Warhammer 40K 8th edition stuff on display.

The 8th Edition boxed set

I looked through the box and determined that I don’t need more Space Marines (even the new ones) or Chaos Space Marines.

I then looked at the new rule book and the new indexes.

Big mistake.

I hadn’t planned on preordering anything from 8th Edition, to be honest.

Continue reading “Best Laid Plans…”

And, Scene…

This was recently posted on Facebook, as three of the best scenes in the DC Extended/Cinematic Universe.  I agree wholeheartedly.

First flight: I’m one of the folks who believe that Man of Steel is basically “Superman: Day One” where he’s still learning about his abilities, and watching him take flight for the first time is inspiring.  The tag line of the 1978 film was “You will believe a man can fly,” and here’s Clark, eventually believing in himself in order to fly.

Warehouse fight: Though it was an amazingly choreographed fight sequence, I  was actually playing the Batman ’66 fight music in my head while I watched it, and it WORKED.  I even imagined large onomatopoeia every time a punch or kick landed.

No Man’s Land: no spoilers, it was simply stunning in it’s execution, from the visuals to the music.  It’s the definitive introduction every super hero should be lucky to have when their story is told on the big screen.

From earlier DC movies, I can list a few similar moments:

  • Superman The Movie: the rooftop helicopter scene
  • Batman: Introducing the Batmobile
  • The Dark Knight: Batman rescuing hostages while subduing the Joker’s men
  • Superman Returns: shuttle/plane rescue

Here’s hoping we continue to get scenes like this in future films.

All the World’s Waiting for You

Great movie.  Best of the Nolan/Snyder-verse DCCU films.

That said, I liked Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 better.

This movie has everything Man of Steel and Batman v Superman lacked.  I liked both of those films.  I like WW more than those two.  It had a touch of the grittiness of the previous DC films, but much more heroism and heart.

There were a couple of surprises, and her origin was properly explained.  Or was it?  Seemed like they merged the her classic and New 52 origins in this story, and that’s fine.

Overall, it was entertaining and more fun to watch than other recent DCCU films.

Which I still enjoyed.

Except for Suicide Squad.


This 50th Anniversary Action Man figure just doesn’t seem to fill out this jumpsuit well enough.  Looks baggy on him.  Looks like I’m gonna have to demote Nigel back to being a soldier.

Captain Continuum will return, though…