Got a call from my optometrist, my new glasses are ready.
Pics later.
aka Blog v4.0
I think I’m going to ignore the hype and excitement this time around, and hold off on purchasing the latest (8th) edition of Warhammer 40K.
The last time Glenn and I actually played, it was with the 5th edition rules.
We picked up the 6th and 7th edition rules, but never played. I think I bought them mostly for reference, to keep my army lists current with my existing models/miniatures.
A few folks in my latest gaming group picked up the Kill Team boxed set, and a couple of us have picked up Shadow War: Armageddon, with no solid plans of when to play either.
And then there’s all the other miniature/skirmish games that we’d like to play.
Full 40K is taking a back seat for now. As it has in the past, but this time without picking up the new rules, yet.
More ships for Attack Wing came in. Yay!
I still have a few more ships coming in. Yikes.
Also, update!
Sports gaming week overlapped into this week. I knew a schedule wouldn’t work.
Star Trek Attack Wing has me watching the Star Trek films again. Not that that’s a bad thing, of course.
Weird not having my usual shows on TV, until Fall.
In addition to the three major factions in Star Trek Attack Wing, I have this ship:
This is the ship that attacked and destroyed the Cestus III outpost.
So I have a total of 16 ships in my collection.
The only other ships I’d like to get my hands on is the Enterprise-E, which exists but pricey, and the Enterprise-C, which does not exist, apparently.
My collection of Romulan ships for Star Trek Attack Wing:
As much as I love the Romulans, these are the only ships that I’m interested in collecting. I really don’t like the ship designs from Star Trek Nemesis.
My collection of Federation ships for Star Trek Attack Wing:
I also have ship cards/tokens for the USS Constellation NCC-1017, which can be used with either of the above ship models.
I may get the Reliant later.