At lunch yesterday Nelson mentioned that his son had asked if he’d been shown Wargames, starring Matthew Broderick and Ally Sheedy.
Nels said that he had, many years ago, but at the time his son found it slow and asked to watch something else.
I thought about it afterwards, and it had been a while since I had seen it.
I turned on the TV this morning, and guess what was on BBC America?
B-17 FFL
Pepsi Leader
Behold, the Incom Z-95 Headhunter:

edit: Damn, I have a crappy point-and-shoot camera. My phone takes better pictures. Didn’t have it with me in my bedroom when I opened this thing.
Pump the Brakes
X-Wing Miniatures
One game that I hope my group plays soon, assuming we decide to do table top miniatures, is X-Wing from Fantasy Flight Games.
When and if we do, I’ve settled on a ship that I will consider my ‘personal’ starfighter: the Z-95 Headhunter.

This is one of the first ships that was referenced outside of the movies, in the first Han Solo book by Brian Daley, Han Solo at Star’s End.
For some reason I recently couldn’t find it in local stores, primarily a couple of Barnes and Noble bookstores that sell the game and miniatures. I could find it before I actually wanted to pick one up, but kept holding off.
I eventually found one for sale at Amazon.com, so I ordered one.
My next step is to find a card template to make a custom pilot card for myself.
Edit: found one!
And now we’ll see if I’ll ever get to take her into combat.
Pepsi Leader standing by…
Mutants and Masterminds: The End
We tried.
We really did.
But after 3 sessions of a lot of page flipping and die rolling, we just couldn’t get into this system. We found it overly complicated and poorly organized.
So we pulled the plug on our campaign.
We finished the adventure that we had started last time, so we were pretty much cancelled after issue #2 of our unnamed super group comic.
Or this anthology book is starting a new story with new characters and new background.
We’re leaning toward science fiction for our next role-playing campaign.
We shall see.