SVCC 2017 Recap

I got up way earlier than I usually do on a Saturday, just so I could get on the road early and down to San Jose for Silicon Valley Comic-Con 2017.

I parked in the same lot that I did last year, about a block away from the Convention Center, and walked over to the ‘big blue tent’ behind the convention center, where registration and RFID bracelet pick-up was located.

After picking up my bracelet, I walked toward the front Convention Center and stopped at the corner, which was the end of the line.

After a short wait, the line began to move, and after a quick bag check and bracelet tap, I was inside.

I walked up to the main concourse, where the exhibitor hall was still closed.  I took a few pictures, got a lightsaber key chain for downloading an app, and found a side door already open, so I walked in with a bunch of other folks, while Steve Wozniak addressed the crowd outside the main entrance.

I did my usual browsing and took pictures, saying ‘Hi’ to a couple of cosplayers that I follow on Facebook. I didn’t expect to but anything, like last year.  But once I found the NASA Ames merchandise booth, I knew I was going to go home with something.

I ended up with a NASA rubber ducky.  Because I didn’t have $900 for the Shuttle Missions Pins framed collection.

I wandered over to a toy vendor, and spotted a SABINE WREN 6″ Black Series figure.  No way I was going to pass this one up, it was the last one on the shelf, and my hesitation cost me a Kanan Jarrus last year.

Content with my two purchases, I made my way to Artist’s Alley.  And that’s where I made my last purchase at the convention, a print of the cover of Micronauts #5, signed by the artist, Michael Golden.  As he signed it, I said what he’s probably heard countless times before: it was my favorite comic when I was a kid.  He said thank you and we shook hands.

I decided to make a drop at the car, so I hiked back to the lot and dropped off my purchases and lightened my bag load by leaving my unused Kindle and eating a couple of granola bars.

After reentering the venue, I walked around and took more pictures, and eventually found my way to the fan tables.  I spotted Michele Specht, who plays Dr. McKenna on Star Trek Continues.  I asked to take her picture, and we had a short chat about the series, and the latest episode.  They were screening it tonight, but I wasn’t hanging around for it, unfortunately.  It was a good episode, having seen it a couple of weeks ago.

I then found my way downstairs, where the retro games room was, and next to it, an auction for screen used props and costumes.  I was in awe as I stood before an original screen used Christopher Reeve Superman costume from Superman III.  There were items from Back to the Future, Star Trek, Star Wars, and even Cast Away, including a Wilson prop.

Eventually it was time for me to line up for the Adam West/Burt Ward photo-op, which was the primary reason I decided to go to SVCC this year.

The wait was a little longer than expected, mainly because Burt Ward was taking extra time to sign autographs.  Once I got into the photo booth area, it was a bit impersonal.  Neither Ward or West said anything, and the staff were just shuffling people through the line, pose, and out of the booth.  They could have put wax figures in place of them and the experience would have been the same.  Ah well.

I made my way back to the main hall, took a few more pictures, and left.

Once I got to my car, I made the mistake of hooking up my phone to charge without turning on the engine.  I then turned on A/C and the radio, and about 10 minutes later, my car died.

I tried to start the car every 5 minutes or so, and about 20 minutes later it finally turned over and started.  Whew!

I was hungry now, as it was 3:30 pm and all I had eaten all day was the aforementioned granola bars.

I went to Pieology, as I did last year, but bad timing had me there when they were understaffed, and the lady in front of me ordered 5 pizzas!  It took almost 10 minutes until they got to me, and about 5 minutes to get my order in the oven.

The pizza came quickly after that, and once I finished eating, I went home.

I didn’t get to do a few things that I wanted to, like attend the March for Science, or any of the panels, but I enjoyed the time I spent wandering the halls and taking pictures.

All said, I had a good time, and may decide to attend SF Comic-Con this year.

Pictures to follow.

D6 Star Wars

Introducing Gaba Gabahey, Space Marshall!

Male Sullustan

Dexterity 3D
Blaster 4D

Knowledge 2D+2
Bureaucracy 3D+2
Law Enforcement 3D+2
Streetwise 3D+2

Mechanical 4D
Space Transports 5D
Starfighter Piloting 5D

Perception 3D

Strength 2D+1
Brawling 3D+1

Technical 3D

Special Abilities:
Enhanced Senses:  +2 bonus to Perception/Search under low light (vision) or hearing
Location sense: Never gets lost once he visits an area; +1D to Astrogation if previously visited system

Move: 10
Force Sensitive? No
Credits: 1,000

  • Equipment:
  • DL-18 blaster pistol (4D)
  • uniform
  • medpac
  • vacuum suit

Languages: Basic, Sullustese


I still can’t get over how good these over-the-ear headphones sound.

I think it’s a combination of the noise-cancelling tech and the fact that I’ve worn nothing but earbuds for the past 20+ years, but music sounds richer, both orchestral and vocals.  I hear things that I’ve only ever heard in either live performances or in a theatre.

B-17: After Action Report 04.19.2017

B-17 Flying Fortress “Facebook”

Crew (taken from my FB friends list about a year ago):

  • Pilot: Captain Chris S.
  • Co-Pilot: Lieut. Bob F.
  • Navigator: Lieut. Kalu E.
  • Bombadier: Lieut. Lando G.
  • Engineer: Mst. Sgt. Jen V.
  • Radio Operator: Sgt. Eleathia L.
  • Ball Turret: Sgt. Timothy N.
  • Port Waist Gunner: Sgt. Robert S.
  • Starboard Waist Gunner: Sgt. Maria S.
  • Tail Gunner: Sgt. Alicia P.

2 missions completed.

Mission 1: Rail yard at Amiens – Bomb Run percentage: 5% – no damage to bomber, no enemy planes shot down, no crew casualties.  This mission was flown about a year ago, I just now logged the data to the composite mission record sheet.

Mission 2: Airfield at Abbeville – Bomb Run: 40% – hit on starboard waist gunner’s heat system, tail gunner shot down ME 110, no crew casualties.

Of course, these early missions are usually a cakewalk.

Can the Facebook get to 25 missions?  We’ll see.  The most missions I’ve completed with the same bomber (Thunder Head, circa 1989?) was 17, when it was rendered irreparable after that 17th mission.

The No Comment was destroyed on her second mission, by a shell or flak hit to the bomb bay, killing the crew.

The Golden Gate suffered a fuel tank fire on her 7th mission, the crew bailed and all but one were either captured or killed.  The engineer served aboard the Thunder Head until he was killed on the bomber’s 10th mission.

The Gang Buster completed 4 (of 30 total) missions before I shelved the game indefinitely.

More to come soon.

Star Wars Figures

At lunch today I dropped by GameStop, where I saw the 40th Anniversary Star Wars Black Series 6″ figures for the first time.  They look great, in vintage packaging, but I don’t think I’ll be picking them up.

I didn’t see R2-D2 at GameStop…

The Han Solo figure was basically the same one I bought a couple of years back, complete with Stormtrooper utility belt and E-11 blaster rifle.

Luke, Leia and Obi-Wan all look great too, with cloth robes/tunics, but I find myself running out of display space, and putting more and more stuff in storage containers.

That has to stop.  I can’t collect for the sake of collecting.  Even my friends who collected a particular thing of a thing over the years stopped doing that, and I need to be more selective, too.

All Things Jyn may be the last theme that I do, collecting wise.  Not sure how much stuff from The Last Jedi I’ll pick up, beyond a Rose figure.  Most of what I see picking up from this franchise will be Han Solo or Boba Fett related, going forward, with the occasional trooper variant.

Damn Bundles of Holding…

The latest: Rocket Age RPG

“It’s an alternate history pulpy retro-sci-fi space opera planetary romance. It’s throttled up rocket packs burning radium on the long blast to the farthest reaches of the Solar System. It’s hunting thunder lizards in the upland jungles of Venus. It’s battling Ancient Martian killing machines piloted by the Deutsche Marskorps across the baking red deserts of Mars. It’s exploring the deadly skies of Jupiter under the constant threat of Europan disintegration. It’s RAY gun wielding heroes bulls-eyeing mutants in the blasted ruins of Io” -Ken Spencer, Rocket Age Line Developer

Will I ever get to run or play this, along with many other RPGs sitting on my shelves and hard drives?

Only time will tell.

Spoiler: probably never. Alas.


So here I have a stack of blank character sheets for the D6 Star Wars Role-Playing Game (Revised, Expanded, UPdated edition), with no plans to run a campaign.


Maybe I’ll create a character, for old times’ sake.