Warfighter: Call of Duty Figures?

The Warfighter game originally came with a set of 6 smallish miniatures.  They’ve since stopped packing those in the boxes.

While many players on the Board Game Geek forums say that the figures really aren’t needed, others have suggested using Mega Bloks’ Call of Duty figures, to add a bit of flair to the game..

I spotted a couple of smaller sets at Fry’s Electronics earlier today, with 3-4 figures in them.  I then went to Toys R Us to see what I could find.


Special Ops Task Force set – 16 little guys!

Continue reading “Warfighter: Call of Duty Figures?”

Daily Batman Miniatures Game Post – 3.24.2017

As I go through the rule book and play with an online tool called hero-builder.net, I’m getting a good idea of how the game works and, more importantly, how a crew is formed.

The most significant thing that I’ve found that the Suicide Squad box was not just a good deal for the price, but all the members of the squad are classified as ‘Free Agents’, which allows them to be recruited into most crews.

For example, the Penguin crew point value is 143 points, but adding a character like Deadshot (96 points) brings the crew closer to 300, which is the ‘average’ point total for a game.

Or I can just give Penguin (75) a crew of Free Agents: Deadshot (96), Killer Croc (64), and Diablo (50) for a total of 285.

I’m looking at having the Riddler crew as my max 150 point crew, and the Penguin crew as my max 300 point crew, though the two crews that come with the SS box are both around 350 points.

Now, to find time to actually PLAY the game!  Though collecting/painting the models is a big part of the appeal of this game, to me.

Edit: whoops, Free Agents can be recruited 1 per 150 points, though Penguin’s Charismatic trait allows 1 FA per 100 points, so I couldn’t use all three of those FAs in that crew, unless it was over 300 points total, perhaps adding a Henchman to the crew.


After spending the morning lamenting about not getting a Affleck Batman figure, I went ahead and ordered that Suicide Squad Starter Box that I originally passed on a week ago.  The difference is that this online edition comes with that Batfleck figure, the one at the store didn’t.  Yay!

Besides the figures shown, this set comes with scenery, specifically a couple of buildings, which I’ve found to be pretty pricey on their own.  There’s also other figures and tokens/markers/dice/etc. that would cost a lot more than this box, if purchased separately.

Quite a deal, even with all the other stuff that I’ve already picked up.

Solitaire Wargaming Organization Revisited

I think I’m going to shift around that list I made, with the print-and-play games at the bottom of the list.

  1. Phantom Leader
  2. Warfighter
  3. Hornet Leader
  4. Gato Leader
  5. Corsair Leader
  6. Philippines Ablaze
  7. Carrier Strike Force

I’m gonna revisit Phantom Leader right away, since I screwed the pooch in the game play of that AAA Site mission.

Evade.  Must remember to have pilots evade.

Warfighter will be next, to break up the 2 aircraft games back-to-back, as I had originally listed.

And all this will be broken up with with table top sports and skirmish games.

Overload II

I’m making up for not getting the Batman Miniatures Game sooner than I did, by picking up a lot of product for it.

Like this guy:

I’m nicknaming him ‘Dammit, Barry!’


I received so many items for so many different games yesterday, and stupidly tried to go through all of them last night.

Big mistake.

I couldn’t focus on one thing or another, in addition to attempting to play the second mission of the Phantom Leader campaign that I started.  It was a total failure, all planes shot down, but only because I forgot to employ a couple of rules, like pilot EVADE.  Whoops.

I guess I’ll rerun the mission sometime soon.

I sorted the cards and punched the counters for Warfighter.  I skimmed the rules.

I attempted to figure out how to run a fight in the Batman Miniatures Game.  I also found a box to store all the miscellaneous markers and templates for the game.

I opened up the Starfire Gorm-Khanate War expansion.  I almost punched the counters.

I assembled and primed the miniatures that I got from Crossover Miniatures, including the one I’m using for The Koala in Mutants and Masterminds.

Meanwhile, I was watching the Warriors/Thunder game, Supergirl and 24: Legacy.  Good to see Oded Fehr back on TV.

There’s simply not enough time in a day to do everything that I’d like to do.

As a side note, this morning I ordered a few counter trays for all the wargames that I’ve picked up in the last couple of weeks.  Odd that you’d have to pay extra for counter trays, they used to come with the games, back in the day.

And Knight Models got back to me regarding the Superman miniature defect, they’ll be sending me a replacement part in a couple of weeks, so I’ll just put off assembly until then.  Yay!

All this with baseball approaching.

See why I can’t podcast?

Phantom Leader Playthrough

Keep in mind that I’m still learning how to play.  I’ve run two missions in the USAF 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis campaign.

Target: Ammunition Depot
Pilots: Echo (Skilled), Splashdog (Average), Smokes (Green)
Aircraft: F-4 Phantom x3
Result: Target Destroyed; no aircraft lost

Target: AAA Sites
Pilots: Boomer (Skilled), Papa (Average), Cajun (Green)
Aircraft: F-4 Phantom x3
Result: Target Undamaged; all aircraft lost, pilots Papa and Cajun MIA

So I went from total success to total failure, in the span of two missions.

I’m abandoning the campaign, writing it off as a training exercise.