I keep buying these Bundle of Holding deals on role-playing game systems, even though I have no one to to play with them.

My current gaming group is gearing up for Mutants and Masterminds.

This morning I got two bundles, one for Space: 1889 and one for Classic Battletech RPG.



It rained.  And hailed.  And rained.  And hailed.

All the while I ran a few errands.

No one seems to like Peeps Oreos.  They’re not bad.

I also got a bag of black jelly beans, which only I and my niece Chloe seem to like.

And I found this guy:

Jakks Pacific Big Figs 20″ Classic Superman

I’m tempted to pick up Batman and the rest of the original Superfriends, if they become available.

Phantom Leader Unboxed

The package arrived at about a quarter to 1pm.

BEHOLD! Average sized box for a wargame.
Opened! Rulebook sits atop the rest of the contents, as usual
Aww, the player log sheet was damaged. Luckily they have it online, so I can print copies as I need them
Campaign sheets
Help sheet
Tactical display
Cards and a d10

I’ll post my 1st play through as soon as I read up on the rules

Uh oh…

Phantom Leader is out for delivery, via Amazon delivery services.

I haven’t had something delivered by them in a while, since this Flex thing started, so we’ll see if  the service is any better than it was before, like when they delivered a small package of mine to the house next door.


As per my standard operating procedure, I went a little overboard and went on a games shopping spree.

In addition to Phantom Leader, I have these two games on order:

And later I discovered THIS and ordered it…

So yeah.  Games overload.


It was okay.

FOX still can’t create anything that compares to even the Netflix Marvel stuff.  Seriously.

It had some cool moments, but as a whole it was just kinda ‘meh’.

That’s really all I can say.

Check Six!

For some reason I felt the need to pick up something that brings me back to the original tabletop gaming that I used to play, in my early teens: historical wargaming.  I had a few Avalon Hill games that I played, namely War at Sea and Victory in the Pacific.  Through high school we mostly played Star Fleet Battles, moving toward RPGs during senior year.  But we did find time to try games like Top Gun and Flight Leader.

The big difference back then was that the wargames were rarely designed for solitaire play, and when I didn’t have anyone to play with I ended up playing both sides of a conflict.

In the past few years I had bought a tabletop modern aircraft wargame which used miniatures, but once again I had no one to play with, so I just painted up a bunch of the minis and left them in a storage box somewhere in the house.

Finally, I came across this:

I’d been eyeing Phantom Leader and Hornet Leader for a while now, along with a couple of submarine games (U-Boat Leader/Gato Leader).  I finally chose this one because I remember the F-4 Phantom as the cool looking fighter jet of my youth.  Both the Blue Angels and the Thunderbirds used them for their airshows back in the day.

Unlike my old standby, B-17: Queen of the Skies, these games have a political factor in each mission.  If you bomb too big a target, politics may slow you down and limit the number of potential targets in later missions, but if you don’t strike hard enough, you could end up losing the campaign and the war.

This game should arrive sometime this weekend.  If I end up liking it I may pick up Hornet Leader later.


I’m still going back and forth on this.

I have a very general idea what to talk about.

I have a co-contributor/partner for this thing.

I myself don’t have time to listen to podcasts as much as I used to.

I guess my biggest concern right now is where the heck to I store/post them once I’m done.  iTunes?  My own web site?  Beg for space elsewhere?  Ask nicely?  Suggestions are welcome.

Maybe I just need to read up more on how to do this effectively.

Or I could just continue to post random 3-5 minute video blogs of myself to YouTube.