Star Wars Post

At Toys R Us, I inadvertently got a free Star Wars Rebels poster with a qualifying purchase over $20.

Cashier: Would you like the free Star Wars poster?
Me: … yes, please.


At Gator Games, I was checking out the new Star Wars Destiny dice game, and while checking online what would be needed to start getting into the game, I realized that I didn’t need yet ANOTHER Star Wars game from Fantasy Flight Games that I would not be playing.

So instead of picking up a couple of starter packs, I picked up the Alliance Smuggler miniature playing piece for Imperial Assault.  I’m designating that figure as my character in-game, based on my Star Wars The Old Republic character, Jayke Skykiller.


At home I pulled out the Imperial Assault game, and simple rummaged through the figures while adding the Alliance Smuggler mini and cards to the game.  I may pick up Princess Leia and Lando Calrissian, just to have the Original Trilogy heroes in the game.

I then pulled out the X-Wing Miniatures Game, along with a couple of larger ship minis that i had picked up almost a year ago.  After trying to fit everything (ships, cards, tokens, etc.) into the two core boxes that I had picked up, I finally opened the third core set (The Force Awakens edition) that I picked up on clearance from Target and was able to fit everything over the three boxes.


After the AFC playoff game, I started up this week’s episode of Star Wars Rebels. Quite a surprise (or not?) to see yet another Ralph McQuarrie design make it onto the show, this time a ‘protocol’ droid that looked a lot like the early concept art for C-3PO.

The 50s

Second grade seemed to be a time when I had met a lot of people who became life long friends.  Another of those friends turns 50.

Now-defunct Chevy’s restaurant, circa 2009.

Jeff Segal and I met under the same circumstances as with most of my friends from Mrs. Sinton’s 2nd grade class: forgotten circumstances.  All I know is that Jeff and I seemed to be joined at the hip from 2nd grade through 8th grade.  You usually didn’t see one of us without the other around.

I remember the first time he came over the house for dinner, my Mom greeted him and hugged him, and would hug him at any opportunity.  Jeff noted later, when we reconnected on Facebook, that he remembered Mom doing that.

We went our separate ways in high school, he going to McAteer while I went to Lowell.  We stayed in touch over the years, he came over for a house party that I threw during sophomore year, and later invited me to his wedding in the north bay.

Last time we saw each other was for the above picture, when he and Nelson and I met up for lunch.  Jeff was on Facebook for a while, but recently has deactivated his account.

Wherever you are, Jeff, Happy Birthday!  Thanks for being a great friend over the years.  Hope you’re doing alright.


I removed the video (which you may or may not had seen) from the header portion of this blog because while it was cool to see, it served no real purpose.

That is all. Carry on.

#moredailyfiller #muhuhahaha

I’ll admit…

Wednesday’s post was a last minute filler, because I actually do want to post something everyday on this blog, in 2017.

As is this one.  But not last minute.



I know I can look for the answer online, but let’s pretend I can’t:

Is French roast coffee stronger than Columbian roast?


Rebels > Clone Wars

The Clone Wars takes place between movies II and III, with characters from both films, so for many of the episodes, you knew that Anakin/Obi-Wan/Padme/any named Jedi were NEVER in danger since they survive to be in that next movie (Revenge of the Sith).  The Trooper-centric episodes were the best ones, IMHO.

Rebels takes an all new cast of characters who interact with characters from the next movie, but we still don’t know the fate of these characters on the series, except for Hera and Chopper (as of Rogue One).  They could all be gone by the time of Episode IV.

Your thoughts?


I shouldn’t be, but I am.

People in California really do forget how to drive when it rains.  And they have less patience.

  • Stopped at an incline with school crossing guard and oncoming cross-traffic, and due to kids crossing and a lot of cars, I’m not moving.  Dickhead behind me, who probably cannot see, honks while kids are in the intersection, crossing, and while cars are passing in front of me.
  • A driver attempts to change lanes and cut me off, even though there’s not enough space to do so between me and the car in front of me, so he stays in his lane.  A block farther, he’s straddling lanes, blocking both cars behind him.
  • Slow moving car ahead of me in the left turn lane, decides it wants to go straight at the intersection instead of turn.

The good news is that I disabled the cache plug-in that appeared to be messing up my blog, and it appears to be fixed.  Woohoo.


I had to have this blog restored from backup this weekend, and I lost about a week of posts, starting with January 1st.

I hope this is the last time I have to do this, as there appears to be some sort of caching issue with this blog.  The more I tried to fix it, the worse it got, so I decided to just let it sit and hopefully fix itself.

If that doesn’t work, I’ll deal with it.

It’s just odd that this doesn’t happen to my sports games blog.