Small Things

At the old house we had a couple of full length mirrors located in a couple of spots, one of which was on my bedroom door.

When I moved into the apartment I didn’t feel the need to have such a mirror, but for some reason I felt the bathroom mirror was insufficient for my purposes, but couldn’t figure out why.

Yesterday I picked up an over-the-door mirror and installed it on the door leading to the bathroom past a couple of closets next to the main area where I put my bed and workstation.

After hanging it up, I saw right away what the other mirrors back at the house did for me.

I saw myself and the weight I’ve gained back since moving to the apartment.

And I really hate that look.

So I think this is going to act as the missing catalyst I need to get my weight under control again.

Tally ho.

Four Weeks Later

–  I’ve gotten somewhat into a routine on weekends, foregoing my usual Target run, and simply staying home and unwinding and doing laundry.

–  I dropped off a good number of books to a local bookstore in the mall, and finally got around to visiting the library that I live behind and getting a library card.

–  I’m beginning to dump stuff that I brought to the apartment from the house, finding that I grabbed some stuff that I really have no use for or haven’t used in years.

–  I need to go out walking more.

–  I also need to eat better.  I lost about 10 pounds from the stress of moving, but have gained back a few of those pounds.

There’s an app for that…

I just set up the laundry room app, Wash Connect, on my phone.

Instead of hoarding quarters to do laundry I use my phone to pay for it.

The app also tells me what’s available in the laundry room, and I think it can tell me when the cycle is done.

I wondered why the machines would be on and no one was in the laundry room when I walked by, now I know.

The future is here, man.

One Week In

A few notes on my first week living in an apartment.

– I’ve had no problems with noise, I can’t even hear anything from the units on either side of me.  And so far I haven’t had anyone banging on the walls or knocking on my door to turn down my TV or radio.

– The nearby Thai restaurant is not a Thai restaurant during the day.  They serve brunch from 11am-2pm (11am-3pm on weekends).

– I appear to have enough space to keep some of my tabletop games around.

I think my first drop in the garbage chute from my floor got stuck between floors.  Whoops.  I now plan to take down my garbage to the trash room, on mornings I drive in to the office.

– Residence Services instructed me to bring any mail from the former tenant to their office.  There was quite a lot once I was able to open my mailbox.

– I think I’ll be able to have a printer around here.  Maybe two?

– Friday morning I discovered that the front part of the shower head wasn’t screwed on tight enough and it fell off during a shower, but reattaching it and tightening it appears to have fixed what I perceived as a really bad water pressure problem.

– Friday night, Grubhub though I was a robot and would allow me to use the website, perhaps because I was on my mobile hotspot on my phone, so I had to order on Doordash.

Day two

What, you thought I was gonna chronicle everyday that I’m living in an apartment?

The only major thing to report at this point is that a tech came by to try to install broadband internet but for some reason my phone lines(!) are screwed up and they couldn’t hook me up.

So now I’m currently running my phone as a wifi hotspot.  Which really isn’t good enough to watch TV, but good enough for web browsing.

So it looks like I’m going to get AT&T fiber (shudder) which I decided to get instead of Xfinity.

Because of scheduling I won’t get hooked up until Monday morning.  Ack.

In other news, I brought some of my sports games over and intend to resume play soon.

Also, the shower water pressure kinda sucks.