New Commute

I left the apartment for work at the same time I usually leave from the house, and somehow I got to the office a little earlier than I used to.

Even though it shows that it takes about 5 minutes longer from the apartment.

Hmph.  Weird.


Something that everyone is frightened of, to some degree.

I’m moving to an apartment.

This is the single biggest change for me, having spent my infancy/childhood/teen/young adult/adult/etc. years in the same house, for my entire life up to now.

It’s a bit scary, yes, but I think I have most of it under some control, at this point.

I have to downsize my stuff, which at first sounded like a lot (it is) but it’s more manageable once I started moving stuff to my offsite storage unit.

Over the course of the next few months or so I’m planning to offload most everything that I’m putting in storage.

Which means donating/trashing or gifting to people.

Which means I might be asking for people’s addresses and shipping off random boxes of stuff out.

Kinda like Loot Crate, I suppose.

I did this maybe 10-15 years ago, and I’m sure some of the stuff I sent off ended up in the trash anyways.

But hey, some of the stuff I need to get rid of may be of some use to someone.

I may start a new blog as a result of all of this, too.

I guess we’ll see.

Oh, right, blog…

I should post more here, and my other sites, but not a lot has been happening lately.

Okay, I did get a new position at work, a promotion of sorts, and that’s a big deal.

But over a month between entries?  Which isn’t something that never happens, though I’d like to be more present in this space online.

We’ll see how this goes.


Warm night, I’m up and typing stuff.

Granted, it’s only about 20 past 9pm on Labor Day 2022, but I felt the need to ramble.

So here’s me rambling.

If you like something, good.

If you don’t like something, good.

Why did social media make these concepts so complicated?

Whatever.  Enough about that.

She-Hulk is fast becoming my favorite Disney+ Marvel series.  Funny as hell, invokes one of my favorite comics series from the 80s, all it needs is an appearance by Forbush Man and that puts it on top of my list.

I’m finding it odd that an old show like Hogan’s Heroes feels like comfort food when I watch it.  It really has been decades since I’ve sat down and watched it.

Whoops, didn’t finish this last night.  It’s now Tuesday morning and I’m in the office, trying to stay cool.  Where was I?

Oh yeah, I got distracted watching Hogan’s Heroes before bed.  Anyways…

I don’t ramble well before coffee, so I’ll just stop it here.


I didn’t make a resolution to post on this blog everyday, like the similar ones I made on the sports games and photo blogs.

Though I do intend to post here more than I have been in recent years.  Just because.

Subject/content of said posts?

We’ll see.