
Social media should not feel like walking through a minefield, but there you go.

ID, Please

There was talk of the new Real ID at work today, and I decided to check my driver’s licence.

It expires next year.

So I looked up what was needed for a Real ID.

Since I don’t have a valid passport or my original birth certificate, I decided to check online how to get a valid copy of my birth certificate.

I could either walk across the street to the county clerk’s office, or be lazy and order on online.

I decided to be lazy.  Which then cost me more time than necessary.

After filling out the request form and paying the fee, I then had to print out another document and have it notarized and then get a digital (scanned or camera phone) copy sent to the clerk’s office.

It took a couple of trips to the notary public office up the street to get that part done.  They didn’t take credit cards, so I had to run down to the ATM to get cash.

All told, I could have had an actual copy in my hands if I had just walked across the street to the county clerk’s office.

Ah well.

Coping? Mitigating?

Today I decided to tackle a kitchen cabinet.

There was so many expired goods, I refilled the just-emptied garbage can downstairs.

Some were over 10 years old.  Heck, one expired in 1990.

Kept me busy, at least.

MoviePass vs. Movie Club

After a couple of days of rumination, I decided to cancel my MoviePass account and signed up for Cinemark’s Movie Club.

MoviePass simply had too many hoops to jump through, and felt restrictive.  The unlimited movies per month is nice, but truth be told, I only get out to see maybe 2-3 movies per month, at best.  And if I don’t see a movie at all that month, the $9.99 charge is wasted.  Like last month, when for some reason it wouldn’t let me see Black Panther during opening weekend.

Movie Club, on the other hand, will roll over any credits I don’t use in a month.  I can buy tickets online instead of 100 yards from the theatre, I can buy multiple tickets at a time, and I even get to wave the online service fee.

Oh, and there’s the 20% off at concession stands.

We’ll see how this goes.


“Maybe if I put the iPad down I can get to sleep.”

Yeah, no, didn’t work.


Since I forgot to move my car to the non-street cleaning side of the street yesterday, I decided to go out early and do stuff.

First stop was Dunkin Donuts. Now at Target. Need to kill time until Toys R Us opens, and then maybe stop at Gator Games.

Brought along “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck” to read, so far, so good. Any book that quotes Buckaroo Banzai has to be good.


Haircut: done
Breakfast: done
Errands: done

And it’s not even noon yet.  So what to do now?

Finding my voice

I don’t speak my mind about many subjects, because there are others who speak better for and against my own position on such matters.

As the saying goes, “better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”

Though some think I’m a fool either way.  And they’re right.

I write what I know about.  I talk about what I know about.

Which isn’t much lately, beyond the realm of sports and pop culture.

It’s not that I have no interest in politics, for example, but most of that either bores or depresses me.  And I don’t like being bored or depressed.  So I generally stay out of such discussions.

And as much as some subjects don’t interest me, many people would not be interested in subjects that do interest me.

I be me.

It’s what keeps me sane.

This Time…

Unlike last year, if I miss a day (or two or a week) of posting here, I won’t back date any posts.

I just hope I have something to say every now and then.

I’m surprised that I didn’t put up a review of Jumanji (which I enjoyed a lot).

I’m still hoping that they release a Ruby Roundhouse POP! figure.