Star Trek: Outpost Delta Tioga

I got a bug up my butt to create a new Star Trek role playing campaign that takes place concurrently with Lower Decks.

Circa 2380, Outpost Delta Tioga is located on the Romulan Neutral Zone.  It is the former site of Science Station Delta-05, which was destroyed by the Borg in 2364.

ODT is now a Federation Listening Post, but is still listed as a science station in Federation records.

The station is home port for the California-class USS Colma NCC-94014.

Occasionally personnel from ODT are assigned to the Colma for intelligence gathering missions along the Romulan Border.

The Romulans have long suspected the true nature of the outpost, but have so far turned a blind eye regarding ODT.

Until now.

Post-Game II

After another successful online D&D session, I again revisited my character and how he did in the adventure.

My biggest problem was with paladin spells, my character cast 3 and failed on 2 (Command, Compelled Duel) while one resulted in nothing significant (Detect Magic).

So I went and redid the prepared spells for my character.

I dropped Command and Detect Magic, and added Heroism and Searing Smite.

Hopefully Kal Jadestone will be more effective in this next adventure.  His bear companion Zod has played better than he has.


I have no memory of this, but when I was really little, maybe even before I was born, my Dad would play chess in the company chess club.  He’d play on Friday nights, and according my Mom, when he’d get home, late, he’d still be down in the living room or dining room, setting up a chess set, and studying it, looking where he made a mistake that cost him a match.  I don’t know how long he would do that, couldn’t be more than an hour.  Or two.

Flash forward to now:

We played Dungeons and Dragons online last night, and the first thing I do when I get up this morning is futz around on Roll20 and DNDBeyond, looking at my newly leveled character and figuring out how to make spells work correctly from the online Roll20 character sheet.

I did that for about 2 hours before I realized what time it was, and took a shower.

Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, I guess.

* * *

I do like the online tools for D&D, but I miss face to face interaction.


What a month, amirite?

Aside from working at the office every Tuesday, I’ve been working from home every weekday.  The Tuesdays feel the most ‘normal’ since I’m at the office, though it’s weird walking the floors wearing a mask, with hardly any employees around.

I’m not quite back to playing my sports replay projects regularly, though I have played a game here and there.

I’m doing my best in utilizing home delivery for necessities instead of going out shopping myself.

I dove into yet another new hobby, 3D printing, and so far I seem to be enjoying it, stumbling my way through frustrations and successes.

I got to see my sister and niece when I dropped off a gift for my sister’s birthday.  I had also seen them when I picked up some cookie dough from the now-defunct Specialties Café.

I really miss baseball.

A crewed commercial spacecraft launched from American soil for the first time, and a first for a crewed spacecraft since the last shuttle mission in 2011.  I cried tears of joy.

June is here.

Everyone stay safe until next time, okay?  Love you all.


This is the first Saturday since the Crisis on Earth-Prime began where I feel that I actually accomplished stuff.

  • I cut my own hair.
  • I cleared out and recycled a lot of materials that had been sitting in my closet for about 30 years.
  • I reorganized and stored a bunch of board games sitting around the living room.
  • I organized my Battle Mechs into lances and printed up record sheets for them.
  • I made more Porto’s stuff in the air fryer.
  • I found a much more adorable Baby Yoda plush that the one waiting for me at the office.

And somewhere in between all this I watched The Andromeda Strain.

Overall I think this has been a rough time for everyone.  Like everyone I seem to have good days and bad days.  But I think I’ve learned how to mitigate the days.

And I saw something that was quoted by a couple of folks today:

You are not working from home. You are at home, in a crisis, trying to work.

Which is correct for me for 4 days out of the week.  That fifth day in the office is working at work in a crisis.  Which surprisingly is relaxing.  It’s as close to ‘normal’ that I think I’ll ever see in the near future, despite the lack of coworkers and traffic and places to eat for lunch.

Hang in there, everyone.  We’re in this together, for as long as it takes.

So little time

I find myself with more things that I want to do with the same amount of time given to do them.

Which has never been enough time.

Gaming stuff, writing/artsy stuff, social stuff, family stuff, and other stuff.

It’ll all work itself out.

I think.


I have a great idea for a custom figure that I should have made years ago.

Mission-class freighter captain.

I have to wait until Cotswold restocks their basic figure assortment.  Hopefully they’ll restock this month.

Or I could make a HeroForge miniature of him.

The custom action figure won’t come with a leather jacket.  Or whip.  Or laser rifle.

Maybe a miniature would be a better option.  It’s certainly cheaper.


RPGaDay 2019

Last day of this exercise, and like all of our past RPG campaigns, I don’t know how to end it.

As far as I’m concerned, all of our past campaigns are still ongoing, since we never formally ended any of them.

I had mentioned an ending to our West End Games Star Wars campaign, where my bounty hunter turned the rest of the party over to the Empire and collected the bounty.  But who’s to say that that was the last story to be told?  Maybe they escaped.  Maybe it was a setup to get into a maximum security facility to free another Rebel operative.

Heh, I just made that last one up.  Too bad we never played it out.

On that note, I hope all of your future gaming sessions are memorable ones.

Because in the end, that’s what we’ll carry with us.


RPGaDay 2019

Connections between characters can be a tricky thing to create when first starting a new RPG campaign.

In the FASA Star Trek system, we were simply assigned to a ship and that’s that.

In FASA Doctor Who, the Time Lord picked up his companions.

In D&D it was usually a meetup in a pub.

In superhero RPGs it sometimes turned out like the tryout scene in Mystery Men.

In Star Wars it’s usually an underground Rebel meeting or mission.

In our latest D&D 5e campaign the 3 PCs simple met up in town at a local tavern, along with my NPC sidekick bear.  A couple of us belong to the same backstory organization (Order of the Gauntlet).