Why Now?

The cord has been cut.

Saturday I went ahead and cancelled my Xfinity/Comcast account.

For years they were reaming me with a monthly charge well over what a sane person would pay for JUST CABLE TV.

My last bill was over $200.  For just cable TV.

I’ve had a separate service for phone and internet (currently Sonic) forever, and was not interested in their combined packages, with data caps.

The only reason I held on to cable TV for so long?

Dad kept his TV in his bedroom on some religious cable channel all day, even when he wasn’t home.  He may have turned it off when he went to sleep.  Sometimes I heard it through his door when I got up in the morning to get ready for work.

I didn’t want to take that away from him.  I’m not sure if that same channel was available on the cable packages through AT&T or Sonic, or even over the air.

So yeah.

It’s weird seeing the empty spaces near the TVs, where a DVR box used to sit.

Prepare to Jettison…

I’ve added HBO to my Hulu account.

I’ve subscribed to YouTube TV.

If this works out over the next week, I’m cancelling Xfinity/Comcast.

Solo: A Star Wars Story

It’s getting to a point where I like these newer non-Skywalker saga Star Wars films  better than the saga films.  As an avid role-playing gamer, the original Star Wars RPG from West End Games was more than just a game, it allowed us, the players, to make our own mark in George Lucas’ sandbox.  To me, that meant more than the EU books/stories did, as much as I liked a number of those.

And to be honest, I think it’s one reason why I myself am so forgiving of the newer films, while toxic fandom continues to ruin what should be a golden age of genre films.  Sure, I have an idea of how Episodes VII and VIII should have told the story, but they didn’t, and I’m okay with that.  It’s not my story to tell, or I’d have my name in the credits under ‘Written by’ or ‘Directed by’.

Heck, I was actually picturing what my old characters (a bounty hunter and an Ewok) would be doing during The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi.  Those are stories that I CAN tell.

But I digress.

Solo: A Star Wars Story is a fun movie.  My initial ranking among the other films puts it between The Empire Strikes Back and The Force Awakens on my list, which makes it 5th in the top ten.

There were Easter eggs to other Expanded Universe material.  There was a jaw dropping moment, equal to the one that was as much a surprise to me in Infinity War.  Totally unexpected.  But made sense, if you watched a certain animated series called Rebels.

One of the Easter Eggs almost made me yelp in excitement.  Another one made me smile.  Another, well, let’s just say that I need to re-read the Lando books.

And there were plenty of moments where I just had a huge grin on my face and tears forming in my eyes.

Was it the movie I’ve waited 40-odd years to see?  Yes.

It was a movie that focused on Han Solo and Chewbacca and the Millennium Falcon.

And that’s all my 10-12 year old self wanted, after seeing Star Wars and reading the Brian Daley books.

The only things missing were Bollux and Blue Max, and Gallandro.

Recommended.  Go see it!  Two thumbs up!  3 out of 4 stars!


20 minutes ago:

Brain: Do it.
Heart: No, Chris, it’s too painful!
Brain: He must.  It will help him.
Heart: You’re right, dammit.

I went to youtube.com and played the ending to Field of Dreams.

It hurt.  I ugly cried for a good while.  3 minutes?  5?  Lost track of time.

I love you, Dad.  I miss you.

I’m probably not going to watch this movie again for a while.

Cowboy Bebop

Last night I get an random alert on my iPad from the Amazon app that ‘an item you may be interested in is on sale’.

Sure enough, Cowboy Bebop 4-disc blu-ray set is on sale for $29.99.

I have never watched it, so I put it in my cart.  And then I got distracted and went to sleep.

This morning I saw that it was still in my cart at Amazon, with delivery on Friday.

I then checked Best Buy to see if they had it in stock at the same price, which they did, and I could pick it up today.

I added it to my cart, and checked to see if I had any reward certificates.  I had three.

$20, $10, and $5.

Since the item was $29.99, I knew it wouldn’t let me use the $20 and the $10 together, so I’m picking this set up after work for a little over $5 and change.

It also appears that I bought the last one at this Best Buy location.

Go me.

Infinity War

To me, it was epic and it lived up to the hype.

My only complaint was a distinct lack of a helicarrier in this one.

I can’t believe I ate a large popcorn by myself.

Thanos is still my favorite over Darkseid.

I was way off on my ‘death guesses’.

We got a poster and a coin as we were leaving, too.

Peter Dinklage is awesome.

“I am Steve Rogers.”