“Insufficient facts always invite danger.”
One Week Later
Spocktober: Quote of the Day
Star Wars Day @ AT&T Park 2017
Of all days to forget my zoom lens…
Some cosplay was spotted Continue reading “Star Wars Day @ AT&T Park 2017”
Set phasers to stun…
Yesterday I decided to cancel my pre-order for Star Wars Battlefront II.
*pause for shock*
I simply cannot play many video games anymore, especially newer ones, due to RSI or just not enough free time to play. I barely played the first Battlefront, and haven’t really touched Injustice 2 or Overwatch or Agents of Mayhem.
When I cancelled my order at Best Buy, I got back a $25 reward certificate. I already had a couple of $5 ones, and a $10 gift card. I browsed the site and found that they Wand Company’s Original Series Phaser remote was on sale, and along with my certificates and gift card, it was about 50% off.
What the heck, I thought. I already had the bluetooth communicator, so why not complete the set?

The Orville
Star Trek Discovery
It sucked.
15 years ago I stopped watching Star Trek Enterprise because it was bad TV, not just bad Star Trek.
Star Trek Discovery follows in those footsteps.
The first episode was BORING as hell, and the second episode was better, but not by much. Lots of exposition in the first episode, and less of it in the second.
They simply spit on continuity and canon way too much in this series, so much so that I’ve already decided that this is another timeline, apart from both the Prime universe AND the Kelvin universe.
If you liked it and will continue to watch, more power too you. Watch what you enjoy and fuck the haters. Feel free to include me as one of them if you want.
I’m not going to continue watching. It’s not interesting enough to me to finish it up.
Just like I never finished Enterprise.
Or Voyager.
Or DS9.
Or Warehouse 13.
Or The Walking Dead.
Or Hawaii 5-O.
Or Once Upon a Time.
Or Gotham.
Or Fringe.
Discovery Eve
I’m… understandably curious. But not as enthusiastic about this premiere as I have been for TNG/DS9/VOY/ENT.
It’s been 12 years since the last time Star Trek has been on TV. I should be excited about that. It belongs on TV, as much as I like the movies. It’s roots are in TV. But not behind a pay wall/app.
So yeah, I’ll tune in for the premiere, and I’ll catch the other episodes whenever I can, I suppose.
Arr, matey.