Homecoming Review

My favorite Spider-Man movie.

Your mileage may vary.

Within the first few minutes, my jaw dropped.  I almost screamed.

No, I can’t say why.  Once you see the movie, you’ll understand, if you know me.

The little things, like Mets stuff in Peter’s room, the music, the nods to the rest of the MCU, made this movie so personal to me.

My spirit animal in this movie is Ned.  I’d be him in this story, but much skinnier, like I was in high school.

And it really did feel like an ’80s high school film, John Hughes-style.

Go see it!  Eight thumbs up!


“… Is that what you think it’s about? I’m not trying to win. I’m not doing this because I want to beat someone … or because I hate someone or because I want to blame someone. It’s not because it’s fun. God knows it’s not because it’s easy. It’s not even because it works because it hardly ever does. I do what I do because it’s right. Because it’s decent. And above all, it’s kind. It’s just that. Just kind. If I run away today, good people will die. If I stand and fight, some of them might live … maybe not many, maybe not for long. Hey, maybe there’s no point in any of this at all, but it’s the best I can do, and I will stand here doing it until it kills me. You’re going to die, too, someday. When will that be? Have you thought about it? What would you die for? Who I am is where I stand. Where I stand is where I fall.”

I don’t want [him] to go.

New Gadgets

I’d been waiting all month for the opportunity to upgrade my phone.  My lease was up at the end of the month, and I was waiting for them to tell me that I could upgrade without paying off the rest of the lease on the phone.

Which finally was today.

Continue reading “New Gadgets”

40K Books

I still have a stack of unread Imperial Guard books, mostly Gaunt’s Ghosts, in my “to read” pile.  I haven’t touched those books for years.

Yet here I am pre-ordering a book coming out next year:

For the Emperor.


The other Star Wars films I’d like to see:

  • Jawas: The Movie – like Minions, but with Jawas
  • Boba Fett: heist film, possibly a buddy film with Han Solo or Lando Calrissian
  • Ezra/Kanan: show us their fate after Rebels goes off the air
  • Cheers-like movie at either Anchorhead or Mos Eisley cantina
  • Figrin D’an and the Modal Nodes: A Hard Day’s Night or Help!, Star Wars style
  • The Battle of Taanab: Google it
  • Ord Mantel: what bounty hunter was that, Han?

The Star Wars films I don’t want to see:

  • Kenobi
  • Yoda
  • Lando
  • Chewbacca/Wookies
  • Sand People

Solo Film

10-year old me wanted a Han Solo film.

16-year old me wanted a Han Solo film.

32-year old me wanted a Han Solo film.

45-year old me wanted a Han Solo film.

50-year old me?

Still wants a Han Solo film.


Blogging in Bed: Randomness 

I’m about to nod off, because I’m too tired to watch Kong: Skull Island right now.


I still watch baseball, but it becomes painful to watch when your team is bad.

People are making such a big deal about Godzilla fighting Mothra, Rodan, and King Ghidrah in his next  movie, LIKE THAT’S NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE.

Too many games to play.

I seem to be adjusting to the progressives well enough.

comiXology Storage Mitigation

One issue I decided take care of with the new iPad mini 4 was to move all trade paperbacks (including those from amazon/Kindle) and non-continuing comic series to the iPad, while keeping all ongoing series on my Galaxy Tab 10.5.

I almost ran out of space on the iPad.  Yikes.