24: Legacy

What started out as a mess, ended strong.

As with previous seasons of 24, there were simply too many story lines going on, that ultimately all tied together, albeit by simply ending halfway into this season.

The 12-episode format serves this show well now, with no room for filler episodes, like the first 8 seasons.

There were moments of sheer stupidity and disbelief, but somehow they pulled it all to a good ending.  The first few minutes of the finale were the best of the season.

Overall, I liked it.  I hope it does return for another (mid)season.  I only ask that we get some new bad guys from another region of the world.


Last night I was browsing VUDU’s library of animated stuff, and came across Green Lantern The Animated Series, which I really liked.

They’re charging $29.99 for SD and $49.99 for HD formats.  I put it on my wishlist for later.

This morning I saw that a friend in England just got the blu-ray of the same series, so I went to Amazon to see how much the blu-ray would be, though I prefer streaming nowadays, just to cut down on physical discs.

As I was looking, I saw that Amazon did have it available for streaming as well.

In HD.

For $22.99.



Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by my chosen hobbies.

DC Universe Miniature Game
Ball Park Baseball, 1917 season
Warhammer 40K

And that’s just what I touched this weekend.

I also spent a few days following the livestream from Star Wars Celebration Orlando, got a haircut, went to a baseball game, watched the first episode of the new season of Doctor Who, attended a screening of Raiders of the Lost Ark with a live orchestra, Easter Brunch with family, and still feel that I didn’t get everything done that I wanted to this weekend.

For example, I didn’t get to play a game of Warfighter or Phantom Leader.  Or start watching a couple of shows on Netflix/Amazon Video.  Or read comics.  Or read in general.

Ah well.

I’m posting this trailer just because.  You folks who haven’t started watching this really should start, the last season begins this fall.

Raiders Live!

Sort of.

During a personal low period last year, two of my co-workers, Ena and Mark, decided to cheer me up and treat me to this concert, so they bought tickets, which went on sale the week of my low point last year.

Months later, we finally got to go to the concert.

I met Ena, Mark, and Mark’s wife, Margaret, in the lobby of Davies Symphony Hall around a quarter past 7pm.  We had our tickets scanned and we made our way to our seats.  We then checked out the gift shop, where they were playing a John Williams CD, the main theme from Star Wars to be specific.

A while later I went back to my seat, where I heard a single French horn practicing the music from the Desert Chase scene.

He should have practiced more.

We noted that there was going to be an intermission during the concert, which is weird considering that the movie is less than 2 hours long.  I told Mark that my best guess was that the intermission would happen when they started digging for the Well of the Souls.

The scene appeared, Indy stuck his shovel in the ground, and…

I surprised myself, even though I’ve seen the movie so many times, that I got the precise moment of the cut to intermission.

Right before starting the movie again, the orchestra played a piece from… Crystal Skull.  Specifically Mutt’s theme.  I found that a bit odd, frankly.

Of course, watching the movie so many times, I noticed a lot of differences, like a lot of sound effects (gunfire, punches landing, monkey squeaks, spitting, etc.) were missing, and even the voice of Jock was completely different.  Maybe this was a print that was pre-soundtrack and foley recording?

The biggest error I noticed was, unfortunately, during my favorite part of the movie, the Desert Chase.  It started fine, and I actually smiled and started to tear up at how great the music sounded live.  But then I noticed that the music was off, ahead by about 2 seconds, approximately after Indy was shot in the arm.  But then I noticed that the music began to slow down, to a point where it synced up with the scene, about when Indy arrived at Omar’s garage, after running Belloq’s car off the road.

Other than that minor glitch, the rest of the evening’s presentation was great.  I was very aware that the music was live, not just from the orchestra in front of the screen, but just the different sound a live orchestra makes, and the lack of a choir or vocals for certain scenes in the movie.

As the credits rolled, Ena and I began to chat, forgetting that this was a concert, not a movie, and we were shushed by a patron sitting in front of us.

We left the concert hall, said our goodbyes, and I went home.

It was a great performance, aside from the one glitch.

Troopers & Special Ops

I like collecting.

I like collecting Stormtroopers, mainly variants.  Snowtroopers rule.

I like special ops, like the British SAS, the Navy’s Seal Team 6, and Delta Force.

Recently Lucasfilm has announced a new book coming out called Inferno Squad, which is supposed to be the Empire’s elite infiltration squad, formed after the events in Rogue One, tasked to eliminate the remaining members of Saw Guerra’s rebels.

During today’s Battlefront II panel they revealed Inferno Squad as playable characters in the game.  The squad witnessed the destruction of the second Death Star above the forest moon of Endor.

And then the Hasbro panel revealed this GameStop exclusive:

Black Series 6″ Battlefront II Inferno Squadron Agent Figure

A SpecOps trooper figure.

He looks awesome.

I preordered one immediately.

No Jersey

Status now says: Shipping expected in MID-April.

Ah well.

Not going to have it for this Saturday’s screening of Raiders with live orchestra.

SVCC 2017

After Carrie Fisher passed away, I wasn’t planning to go to Silicon Valley Comic Con this year, and then they announce these two guests:

Holy heroes from childhood, Batman!

So yeah, I’ll be there on Saturday for a photo op with the Dynamic Duo.

The 50s

April 6, 1967: premiere date of Star Trek episode “The City on the Edge of Forever”.

After accidentally overdosing on a powerful stimulant, Dr. McCoy becomes unbalanced and disappears through the Guardian of Forever, a newly discovered time portal on a remote planet. Kirk and Spock follow after learning that McCoy somehow changed history, removing everything they once knew; including the Enterprise. Arriving in the 1930s, the duo meet Edith Keeler, a New York social worker who gives them a place to stay. As the days pass, and McCoy is nowhere to be seen, Kirk finds himself falling in love with Keeler… but Spock discovers that Keeler must die to restore the timeline.

This has been called the best episode of the Original Series.  I don’t agree, but it is in my top 10 episodes.

Since before your sun burned hot in space and before your race was born, I have awaited a question.

The Guardian of Forever is one of the best… items, certainly one of the most iconic, in all of Star Trek.  Sadly it was only every used once in the Original Series, and once during the Animated Series.  It’s been used in other media, like the Star Trek Online MMORPG.

Let me help. A hundred years or so from now, I believe, a famous novelist will write a classic using that theme. He’ll recommend those three words even over I love you.

My one issue with this episode is the same that writer Harlan Ellison has with this episode.  There are no lasting ramifications on Kirk.

He found the true love of his life, and watched her die, knowing that he could have saved her.  But after the episode was over, that was it, off to the next planet, and the one after that, and eventually Kirk romances a few other women over the course of the 5-year mission.  Edith Keeler meant nothing to Kirk, or he (and/or the writers) hid it very well.

“Let’s get the hell out of here.”

All in all, it was a good episode.

Deliveries update

The stuff not delivered on Monday, which said it was, arrived on Tuesday.

The stuff delivered today was due for delivery tomorrow (Thursday), except for the stuff that was due today, which did arrive today.

More stuff is scheduled for Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Monday.

That is all.